The City of Cambridge has a variety of facilities and parks available for private rentals, perfect for your next sporting activity, meeting, family gathering, birthday party or special event! 

For facility details and rules, locations, and rental fees, please click the applicable dropdown menus in the facility lists below.  

To view information regarding payment options, cancellation policies, facility rental insurance, SOCAN and Re:sound fees, and facility allocation, please visit our additional information section. 

View our facility availability calendars

Ready to book? Complete the request form below and send it to A member of the Facility Bookings Team will gladly assist with your inquiry.

Rental request form

For rental rates review the PDF.


Details and Rules:

• Ice rentals are a minimum of 1-hour

• A one hour ice reservation consists of 50 minutes of ice time and 10 minutes to allow for ice resurfacing. Users are not permitted to access the ice surface prior to hours specified on the contract.

• All rentals are required to provide or purchase insurance, please see insurance tab for additional information.

• No objects or persons are permitted to be on the ice when the Zamboni is resurfacing. This rule will be strictly adhered to by operations staff.

• Nets are available by request at the arena

• The use of sticks, pucks, or balls outside of the ice area is strictly prohibited.

• Running in facilities for “warm ups” is not permitted to protect the safety of all facility patrons.

• Minor/youth participants must be accompanied/supervised by a coach or adult 18+

• The City of Cambridge strongly encourages CSA approved helmets are worn by all ice users

• Dressing room access is permitted 30 minutes prior to a practice or game. Ice users must vacate the dressing room within 30 minutes following their ice rental. 

• Dressing room assignments are subject to change. Management and/or staff reserve the right to request users to relocate from assigned rooms, with minimal disruption. The City of Cambridge is not responsible for any lost or stolen articles.

• Helmet and ice skate rentals are not available during private ice rentals

• Consumption, service or sale of alcohol is strictly forbidden in/on any City of Cambridge facility or property without the appropriate permits. Groups not complying will forfeit their rental times

• All patrons, guests, associations, organizations, individuals and groups participating in any activity or program within City facilities are required to conduct themselves in a manner that does not negatively affect the ability of others to use and enjoy City facilities, or in a manner that could be deemed as inappropriate conduct. Please see the Respectful Behaviour Policy tab for additional information.


Fall/Winter Ice rentals are available at the following locations:

• Hespeler Memorial Arena (Rink 1 & 2)

• Cambridge Sports Park (Rink 1 & 2)

• Galt Arena Gardens

• Preston Memorial Auditorium (Closed for construction until 2025)

• Karl Homuth Arena

• Dickson Centre

• Duncan McIntosh Centre


Spring/Summer Ice rentals are available at the following location(s):

• Hespeler Memorial Arena (Rink 1)


Dryland Training Spaces are available at the following locations:

• Hespeler Memorial Arena - Gallery

• Cambridge Sports Park - Multipurpose Room

Rental Fees: 

Prime Time (Sept -June):

Monday-Friday 5p.m.-10p.m.

Saturday and Sunday 8a.m.-10p.m.

Non-Prime Time (Sept – June):

Monday-Friday 8a.m.-5p.m.

Monday-Sunday 10p.m.-12a.m.


Prime Time (July & Aug):

Monday-Sunday 8a.m.-10p.m.

Non-Prime Time (July & Aug):

Monday-Sunday 7a.m.-8a.m. & 10p.m.-11p.m. 


 2024/2025 Rates
Cambridge Resident  

Prime Time 


Non-Prime Time


Non-City Resident


Prime Time

Non-Prime Time $225.15/hr*

Dry-land Training

(resident and non-resident)


*HST is applicable to all rental fees

Arena Floors

Details and Rules:

• Arena floor rentals are a minimum of 1-hour. Users are not permitted to access the arena floor prior to hours specified on the contract.

• All rentals are required to provide or purchase insurance, please see insurance tab for additional information.

• The use of sticks, pucks, or balls in the dressing rooms, hallways and bench area is strictly prohibited.

• Running in facilities for “warm ups” is not permitted to protect the safety of all facility patrons.

• Minor/youth participants must be accompanied/supervised by a coach or adult 18+

• Dressing room access is permitted 30 minutes prior to a practice or game. Arena floor users must vacate the dressing room within 30 minutes following their floor rental. 

• Dressing room assignments are subject to change. Management and/or staff reserve the right to request users to relocate from assigned rooms, with minimal disruption. The City of Cambridge is not responsible for any lost or stolen articles.

•  Consumption, service or sale of alcohol is strictly forbidden in/on any City of Cambridge facility or property without the appropriate permits. Groups not complying will forfeit their rental times

• All patrons, guests, associations, organizations, individuals and groups participating in any activity or program within City facilities are required to conduct themselves in a manner that does not negatively affect the ability of others to use and enjoy City facilities, or in a manner that could be deemed as inappropriate conduct. Please see the Respectful Behaviour Policy tab for additional information.


Arena Floor rentals are available during the spring and summer months at the following locations:

• Galt Arena Gardens

• Preston Memorial Auditorium  (Closed for construction until 2025)

• Karl Homuth Arena  

• Dickson Centre

• Duncan McIntosh Centre

Rental Fees:


     Rates Mon-Sun   
Cambridge Resident    $87.44/hr*

Non-City Resident


*HST is applicable to all rental fees

Sports Fields

Details and Rules:

• Sport field rentals are a minimum of 1-hour. Users are permitted to access the facility based on the times outlined on their permit. If other users are onsite, please be respectful and wait for the time stated on your rental agreement

• No players, coaches, parents, or spectators are permitted on the field while staff perform maintenance. Staff will cease operations until the field is vacated.

• All facilities are equipped with waste bins. Users are responsible for removal of unnecessary debris created during their rental time. 

• A minimum of 1 portable washroom is placed at locations without washrooms. Washrooms are available May – November depending on field location.

• If required, keys will be issued once a rental permit has been secured. A $40.00 deposit is required for each key issued.

• Users must respect any signs indicating field closures and are not permitted to play on closed fields. This helps to ensure our fields are in good condition for continued play throughout the season. Failure to respect field closures may result in permit cancellation or fines for damages to the field.

• If a reserved field is not in suitable condition for play after-hours or on weekends, please call 519-623-1340 and follow the prompts for the Parks/Rec Supervisor on-call for further assistance 

• All rentals are required to provide or purchase insurance, please see insurance tab for additional information.

• Consumption, service or sale of alcohol is strictly forbidden in/on any City of Cambridge facility or property without the appropriate permits. Groups not complying will forfeit their rental times

• All patrons, guests, associations, organizations, individuals and groups participating in any activity or program within City facilities are required to conduct themselves in a manner that does not negatively affect the ability of others to use and enjoy City facilities, or in a manner that could be deemed as inappropriate conduct. Please see the Respectful Behaviour Policy tab for additional information.

Artificial Turf

Fountain Street Soccer Complex

• Field 1 (L) - Rugby, Soccer, ultimate frisbee

• Field 2 (L) - Field Hockey, soccer, ultimate frisbee

• Field 3 (L) - Soccer, ultimate frisbee

Jacob Hespeler Secondary School 

• Field 1 (L) - Football, soccer, ultimate frisbee

Premium Fields

Fountain Street Soccer Complex

• Field 4 (L) - Soccer, ultimate frisbee 

• Field 5 (L) - Soccer, ultimate frisbee 

• Field 6 - Multi-sport (lined for soccer, other sports permitted) 

• Field 7 - Multi-sport (lined for soccer, other sports permitted)

Jacob Hespeler Secondary School

• Field 2 - Upper - Football, soccer, ultimate frisbee 

• Field 3 - Inside Track - Soccer, ultimate frisbee 

Riverside Park

• Rogers Field (L) - Soccer, ultimate frisbee 

• Bill Struck (L) - Rugby, soccer, ultimate frisbee 

Major Fields
Decaro Park

• Intermediate Soccer Field - Soccer, ultimate frisbee 

Gordon Chaplin Park

• Cricket Pitch - Hardball and softball cricket 

Hespeler Optimist Park

• Field 1 - Soccer, ultimate frisbee, grass volleyball (freestanding posts)

Riverside Park

• Intermediate Soccer Field 1 - Soccer, ultimate frisbee, grass volleyball (freestanding posts)

• Intermediate Soccer Field 2 - Soccer, ultimate frisbee, grass volleyball (freestanding posts)

• Intermediate Soccer Field 3 - Soccer, ultimate frisbee, grass volleyball (freestanding posts)

• Intermediate Soccer Field 4 - Soccer, ultimate frisbee, grass volleyball (freestanding posts)

• Intermediate Soccer Field 5 - Soccer, ultimate frisbee, grass volleyball (freestanding posts)

• SSG Field 1 - Single-sided soccer, ultimate frisbee, grass volleyball (freestanding posts) 

• SSG Field 2 - Single-sided soccer, ultimate frisbee, grass volleyball (freestanding posts)

• SSG Field 3 - Single-sided soccer, ultimate frisbee, grass volleyball (freestanding posts)

Sim Court Park

• Soccer Field 1 - Soccer, ultimate frisbee  

Willard Park

• Field Hockey

Rental Fees:
 Cambridge Resident RateNon-City Resident Rate
Jacob Hespeler Artificial Turf  $109.49/hr*  $131.40/hr*

Soccer Complex Artificial Turf 

$129.40/hr* $155.28/hr*

Soccer Complex Grass Fields  

$60.83/hr* $73.00/hr*

Rogers Field

$31.04/hr*  $37.24/hr* 

Premium Fields

$24.52/hr* $29.42/hr*
Major Fields $19.07/hr*  $22.89/hr*

Minor Fields

$9.25/hr* $11.10/hr*

*HST is applicable to all rental fees


Light Fees

Any rentals that take place on lighted fields, within the following time periods will be subject to light fees. These fields are indicated (L) in the locations tab.

Light Schedule   

• April-August 9:00p.m.-11:00p.m.

• September 7:00p.m.-11:00p.m.

• October-November 6:00p.m.-11:00p.m.

 Light Fees
Fountain Street Soccer Complex  $24.33/use*

Turfs and Fields


*HST is applicable to all rental fees 


 Details and Rules:

• Tennis and beach volleyball court rentals are a minimum of 1-hour

• Users that have a rental contract are permitted to use the courts for the time specified on their permit without interruption. If there are no reservations, courts are available for the community to use.

• Nets are provided on all courts during the rental period

• Private lessons are not permitted on the tennis courts 

• All facilities are equipped with waste bins. Users are responsible for removal of unnecessary debris created during their rental time.

• All rentals are required to provide or purchase insurance, please see insurance tab for additional information.

• Consumption, service or sale of alcohol is strictly forbidden in/on any City of Cambridge facility or property without the appropriate permits. Groups not complying will forfeit their rental times

• All patrons, guests, associations, organizations, individuals and groups participating in any activity or program within City facilities are required to conduct themselves in a manner that does not negatively affect the ability of others to use and enjoy City facilities, or in a manner that could be deemed as inappropriate conduct. Please see the Respectful Behaviour Policy tab for additional information.

Beach Volleyball Courts 

Riverside Park

• Court #1 (L)

• Court #2 (L) 

• Court #3 (L) 

• Court #4 (L)

Tennis Courts

Riverside Park

• Court #1 (L)

• Court #2 (L)

 Rental Fees:
 Cambridge Resident RateNon-City Resident Rate
Beach Volleyball Courts  $30.56/hr*  $36.67/hr*

Tennis Courts 

$30.56/hr* $36.67/hr*

Light Fees

Any rentals that take place on lighted fields, within the following time periods will be subject to light fees. These fields are indicated (L) in the locations tab.

Light Schedule   

• April-August 9:00p.m.-11:00p.m.

• September 7:00p.m.-11:00p.m.

• October-November 6:00p.m.-11:00p.m.

 Light Fees
  Courts    $19.17/use*
*HST is applicable to all rental fees 


Details and Rules:

• Pool rentals are a minimum of 1-hour 

• Private rentals are available evenings, weekends and weekdays during facility operating hours, depending on programming

• Indoor pool rentals are available January – December. Outdoor pool rentals are available June – September (weather permitting)

• All rentals are required to provide or purchase insurance, please see insurance tab for additional information.

• Our swim admission process is applicable to all rentals and will be strictly adhered to by facility staff.

• Lifeguards are a requirement of private pool rentals. The number lifeguards are dependent on the number of attendees at your event. Lifeguards must be provided by the municipality and are included in the rental cost. 

• All patrons, guests, associations, organizations, individuals and groups participating in any activity or program within City facilities are required to conduct themselves in a manner that does not negatively affect the ability of others to use and enjoy City facilities, or in a manner that could be deemed as inappropriate conduct. Please see the Respectful Behaviour Policy tab for additional information.


Pool rentals are available at the following locations:

• W.G. Johnson Centre (indoor)

• John Dolson Centre (indoor)

• Ed Newland Pool (outdoor)

• George Hancock Pool (outdoor) 

Rental Fees:


 Number of ParticipantsRates (includes lifeguards) 
 1-30 People $163.84/hr* 

31-75 People 


76-150 People


151-200 People 


200+ People 


*HST is applicable to all rental fees


Details and Rules:
• Gym rentals are a minimum of 1-hour

• Private rentals are available evenings, weekends and weekdays during facility operating hours, depending on programming.

• All rentals are required to provide or purchase insurance, please see insurance tab for additional information.

• Basketball, pickleball, and badminton nets are available for use at each facility. Volleyball nets are available only at the W.G. Johnson Centre 

• Soccer, lacrosse, and floor hockey are not permitted

• Food and drinks, with the exception of plastic water bottles, are not permitted in the gym area

• Inflatables (ie: bouncy castles etc.) are not permitted

• Tables and chairs are not available for gym rentals

• Clean, dry, non-marking, shoes must be worn on the gymnasium floors

• Please note the John Dolson Gymnasium has pickleball specific sport flooring installed that cannot be removed for rentals

• All patrons, guests, associations, organizations, individuals and groups participating in any activity or program within City facilities are required to conduct themselves in a manner that does not negatively affect the ability of others to use and enjoy City facilities, or in a manner that could be deemed as inappropriate conduct. Please see the Respectful Behaviour Policy tab for additional information.


Gymnasium rentals are available at the following locations:

• W.G. Johnson Centre

• John Dolson Centre

Rental Fees: 
  Rate Mon-Sun
All Rental Groups  $51.19/hr*

*HST is applicable to all rental fees

Birthday Party Packages

 Details and Rules:

• Our birthday party package includes a 1 hour rental in the gymnasium and a 1 hour pool rental. Room rentals can be added at an additional cost.

• Birthday party rentals are available Saturday and Sunday during facility operating hours, depending on programming.

• All rentals are required to provide or purchase insurance, please see insurance tab for additional information.

• All patrons, guests, associations, organizations, individuals and groups participating in any activity or program within City facilities are required to conduct themselves in a manner that does not negatively affect the ability of others to use and enjoy City facilities, or in a manner that could be deemed as inappropriate conduct. Please see the Respectful Behaviour Policy tab for additional information.

Pool Details:

• Our swim admission process is applicable to all rentals and will be strictly adhere to by facility staff.

• Lifeguards are a requirement of private pool rentals. The number lifeguards are dependent on the number of attendees at your event. Lifeguards must be provided by the municipality and are included in the rental cost.

Gymnasium Details:

• Basketball, pickleball, and badminton nets are available for use at each facility.

• Soccer, lacrosse, and floor hockey are not permitted

• Food and drinks, with the exception of plastic water bottles, are not permitted in the gym area

• Inflatables (ie: bouncy castles etc.) are not permitted

• Tables and chairs are not available for gym rentals

• Clean, dry, non-marking, shoes must be worn on the gymnasium floors

• Please note the John Dolson Gymnasium has pickleball specific sport flooring installed that cannot be removed for rentals


Birthday Party Packages are available at the following locations:

• W.G. Johnson Centre

• John Dolson Centre

 Rental Fees:
 Number of ParticipantsRates (includes lifeguards) 
 1-30 People $205.25* 

31-75 People 


76-150 People


151-200 People 


200+ People 


*HST is applicable to all rental fees

Community Rooms

Details and Rules:

• Alcoholic beverages are not permitted for any community room rental. Groups not complying will forfeit their rental times. For alcohol events please refer to banquet hall rentals 

• All rentals are required to provide or purchase insurance, please see insurance tab for additional information.

• Permit holders are responsible for all set-up and tear-down; this time must be included in the reservation time

• All rentals where music is played are subject to SOCAN and RE:SOUND fees, as required under federal legislation. For additional information, please see SOCAN and RE:SOUND tab for additional information

• Only painter’s tape permitted on the walls

• Glitter, bubbles, and confetti are not permitted

• Inflatables of any kind are not permitted

• Only weighted balloons are permitted

• No candles are permitted with the exception of birthday candles

• All patrons, guests, associations, organizations, individuals and groups participating in any activity or program within City facilities are required to conduct themselves in a manner that does not negatively affect the ability of others to use and enjoy City facilities, or in a manner that could be deemed as inappropriate conduct. Please see the Respectful Behaviour Policy tab for additional information.

Allan Reuter Centre (ARC)

• Aspen Room (up to 24 people)

• Oak Room (up to 40 people)

• Poplar Room (up to 80 people)

• Walnut Room (up to 40 people)

• Chestnut Room (up to 50 people)

• Red Maple Room (up to 30 people)

Please note all capacities listed above are designated for standing room only. If guests are to be seated with tables and chairs, capacities are lessened

Cambridge Centre for the Arts (CCA)

• Toyota Room (up to 225 people)

• Multi-Purpose Room (up to 100 people)

• Summerhayes Studio (up to 25 people)

• Donaldson Room (up to 25 people) 

Please note all capacities listed above are designated for standing room only. If guests are to be seated with tables and chairs, capacities are lessened

Cambridge Sports Park (CSP)

• Multi-purpose Room (up to 50 people)

Please note all capacities listed above are designated for standing room only. If guests are to be seated with tables and chairs, capacities are lessened

David Durward Centre (DDC)

• Activity Room - Floor 2 (up to 80 people)

• Dining Room - Floor 3 (up to 80 people)

• Board Room (up to 25 people)

Please note all capacities listed above are designated for standing room only. If guests are to be seated with tables and chairs, capacities are lessened

Fountain Street Soccer Complex (FSSC)

• Multi-purpose Room (up to 30 people)

Please note the capacity listed above is designated for standing room only. If guests are to be seated with tables and chairs, capacities are lessened

Hespeler Memorial Arena 

• Optimist Room (up to 30 people)

• Meeting Room (up to 40 people)

Please note all capacities listed above are designated for standing room only. If guests are to be seated with tables and chairs, capacities are lessened

Hespeler Scout House 

• Up to 90 people

Please note the capacity listed above is designated for standing room only. If guests are to be seated with tables and chairs, capacities are lessened

John Dolson Centre (JDC) 

• Party Room (up to 25 people)

• Activity Room (up to 25 people) 

• Studio Room (up to 25 people) 

• Galt Room (up to 25 people)

Please note all capacities listed above are designated for standing room only. If guests are to be seated with tables and chairs, capacities are lessened

 W.G Johnson (WGJ)/Ted Wake Centre (TWC)

• Activity Room (up to 85 people)

• Craft Room (up to 12 people)

• Boardroom (up to 12 people)

• Studio Room - Craft & Board Room Combined (up to 24 people)

Please note all capacities listed above are designated for standing room only. If guests are to be seated with tables and chairs, capacities are lessened

Rental Fees:
 Community Room    Hourly Rate     Daily Rate 
ARC - Aspen Room  $32.61/hr* $195.14* 

ARC - Oak Room  

$32.61/hr*   $195.14*  

ARC - Poplar Room 

$48.72/hr* $195.14*  

ARC - Walnut Room 

$32.61/hr* $195.14*  

ARC - Chestnut Room 

$48.72/hr* $195.14*  

ARC - Red Maple Room

$32.61/hr* $195.14*  

CCA - Toyota Auditorium 


$406.43* Sun-Fri

$487.76* Sat

CCA - Multi-purpose Room 

$48.72/hr* $325.25* 

CCA - Summerhayes Studio

$32.61/hr* $195.14*  

CCA - Donaldson Boardroom 

$32.61/hr* $195.14*  

CSP - Multi-purpose Room 

$33.09/hr*  $197.96* 

DDC - Activity Room 

$48.72/hr*  $195.14* 

DDC - Dining Room 

$48.72/hr*  $195.14* 

DDC - Boardroom 

$32.61/hr* $195.14* 

FSSC - Multi-purpose Room 

$48.25/hr*  $322.11* 
Hespeler Arena - Optimist Room $33.09/hr*  $197.96* 
Hespeler Arena - Meeting Room $33.09/hr*  $197.96* 
Hespeler Scout House $48.72/hr*  $195.14* 
JDC - Party Room $32.61/hr* N/A 
JDC - Activity Room  $32.61/hr* N/A 
JDC - Studio  $32.61/hr* N/A 
JDC - Galt Room $32.61/hr* N/A 
TWC - Activity Room $48.72/hr*  $195.14* 
TWC - Craft Room  $32.61/hr* $195.14* 
TWC - Boardroom $32.61/hr* $195.14* 
TWC - Studio Room $48.72/hr*  $195.14* 

*HST is applicable to all rental fees

** Must be less than 80 people and no alcohol 


Details and Rules (Non-Alcohol Events):

• Permit holders are responsible for all set-up and tear-down; this time must be included in the reservation time

• All rentals are required to provide or purchase insurance, please see insurance tab for additional information.

• All rentals where music is played are subject to SOCAN and RE:SOUND fees, as required under federal legislation. Please see SOCAN and RE:SOUND tab for additional information

• After-hours staffing fees may be applicable if an event is reserved outside of facility operating hours

• Only painter’s tape permitted on the walls

• Glitter, bubbles, and confetti are not permitted

• Inflatables of any kind are not permitted

• Only weighted balloons are permitted

• No candles are permitted with the exception of birthday candles 

• All patrons, guests, associations, organizations, individuals and groups participating in any activity or program within City facilities are required to conduct themselves in a manner that does not negatively affect the ability of others to use and enjoy City facilities, or in a manner that could be deemed as inappropriate conduct. Please see the Respectful Behaviour Policy tab for additional information.

Details and Rules (Alcohol Events):

• Permit holders are responsible for all set-up and tear-down; this time must be included in the reservation time

• All rentals are required to provide or purchase insurance, please see insurance tab for additional information.

• All rentals where music is played are subject to SOCAN and RE:SOUND fees, as required under federal legislation. Please see the SOCAN and RE:SOUND tab for additional information

• The City of Cambridge Alcohol Risk Management Strategy is to be reviewed and adhered to during the rental

• It is mandatory that all event workers (bartenders, door monitors, floor supervisors) are Smart Serve Certified. The number of event workers required is dependent on the number of guests at an event. Event workers are not provided by the City of Cambridge

• A liquor permit obtained through the AGCO is required to be submitted no later than 30 days prior to the event

• An event organizer checklist provided by the City of Cambridge must be submitted no later than 30 days prior to the event

• All AGCO guidelines are to be adhered to

• After-hours staffing fees may be applicable if an event is reserved outside of facility operating hours 

• Only painter’s tape permitted on the walls

• Glitter, bubbles, and confetti are not permitted

• Inflatables of any kind are not permitted

• Only weighted balloons are permitted

• No candles are permitted with the exception of birthday candles

• All patrons, guests, associations, organizations, individuals and groups participating in any activity or program within City facilities are required to conduct themselves in a manner that does not negatively affect the ability of others to use and enjoy City facilities, or in a manner that could be deemed as inappropriate conduct. Please see the Respectful Behaviour Policy tab for additional information.

 Hespeler Memorial Arena
  • Banquet Hall (Up to 350 people)  *Unavailable for 2024.

Preston Auditorium

  • Banquet Hall (Up to 175 people)  *Closed for construction until fall 2025

Cambridge Centre for the Arts

  • Toyota Auditorium (Up to 225 people)

Please note all capacities listed above are designated for standing room only. If guests are to be seated with tables and chairs, capacities above are lessened

Rental Fees:
Hespeler Arena Banquet Hall 


Preston Auditorium Banquet Hall 


Toyota Auditorium

$406.43* Sun-Fri

$487.76* Sat

After-hours Staff**


*HST is applicable to all rental fees

**After-hours staffing fees may be applicable if an event is reserved outside of facility operating hours.


Details and Rules:
• Reservation requests are accepted on the first business day of the year

• Picnic areas are available for reservation from May 1, 2024 – October 13, 2024. Please note, reservations are unavailable on Statutory Holidays.

• Alcohol is not permitted

• Hydro is unavailable at all picnic sites

• Only propane barbeques are permitted. Please note barbeques are not provided

• 10’ x 10’ (maximum) tent is allowed. Tents must not be staked into the ground.

• Inflatables of any size (ie. Bouncy castles) and Dunk Tanks are not permitted

• Reservations at Riverside Park are available for full day (8:30a.m – 8:30p.m.) and half day rentals (8:30a.m - 1:30p.m. or 3:30p.m - 8:30p.m.). All other parks are exclusively full day rentals (8:30a.m – 8:30p.m.)

• Wedding reservations are only available at Mill Race Park

• All rentals are required to provide or purchase insurance, please see insurance tab for additional information.

• Any space within 20 meters of a picnic area or shelter is designated as smoke and vape-free, in accordance with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act

• All patrons, guests, associations, organizations, individuals and groups participating in any activity or program within City facilities are required to conduct themselves in a manner that does not negatively affect the ability of others to use and enjoy City facilities, or in a manner that could be deemed as inappropriate conduct. Please see the Respectful Behaviour Policy tab for additional information.


Picnic reservations are available at the following locations 

Hespeler Optimist Park

  • Picnic area (shelter) - up to 36 people

Riverside Park

  • Dolph (shelter) - up to 125 people
  • Kin (shelter) - up to 60 people
  • Front (no shelter) - up to 100 people
  • Three Corners (no shelter) - up to 60 people 

Soper Park

  • Picnic Area (shelter) - up to 80 people

Churchill Park

  • Playground Area (no shelter) - up to 75 people  
  • Pavilion Area (shelter) - up to 18 people
Rental Fees:
 Number of AttendeesCity Resident Non-City Resident
Up to 100 people $32.10* $64.29*

Over 100 people

$57.39* $112.76*

*HST is applicable to all rental fees

Picnic Insurance Rates:

If you do not have insurance and wish to purchase it through the City of Cambridge, the following rates are applicable. 

 Number of Attendees     Rate     
1-25 People  $4.23

26-50 People 


51-100 People 


101-200 People 


Mill Race Park (Weddings)

Details and Rules:
• Mill Race Park is the site of the official Canadian Heritage River Designation Plaque. Built within the ruins of the old Dickson Textile Mill, Mill Race Park features an excavated canal (raceway), which once powered the mill. There is a concession booth which operates seasonally, along with a washroom and an area with picnic tables.

• Mill Race Park is the only park that can be reserved for Wedding and/or Photos.

• Mill Race Park reservations are available from May 1, 2024 – October 31, 2024. Please note, reservations are unavailable on Statutory Holidays.

• Bookings begin at 10am each day. All reservations must conclude by 8pm.

• Time Allotments for Mill Race Park are as follows: 

• Pictures - 45 minute increments 

• Wedding - 1 hour 30 minutes 

• Wedding and Photos - 2 hours 15 minutes

• When reserving Mill Race Park for a Wedding Ceremony please note that an officiant is not included

• Reservation signs are posted at appropriate areas

• Tents, confetti, and rice are not permitted

• All rentals are required to provide or purchase insurance, please see insurance tab for additional information. 

• All patrons, guests, associations, organizations, individuals and groups participating in any activity or program within City facilities are required to conduct themselves in a manner that does not negatively affect the ability of others to use and enjoy City facilities, or in a manner that could be deemed as inappropriate conduct. Please see the Respectful Behaviour Policy tab for additional information.

Rental Fees:
 Event Type     Time Allotment         Rate    
Pictures 45 minute increments $63.27*

Wedding Ceremony 

1 hour 30 minutes

Wedding Ceremony & Photos 

2 hours 15 minutes $378.55*

*HST is applicable to all rental fees

Mill Race Park Insurance Rates:

If you do not have insurance and wish to purchase it through the City of Cambridge, the following rates are applicable.

 Number of Attendees     Rate     
Up to 100 People $54.00

Over 100 People 


Additional Information: 

Payment Options: 
Except in cases of last minute rentals, a minimum 50% deposit is required no later than 14 days following the issuance of a permit contract. All remaining balances must be remitted 14 days prior to the rental date. Users with more than 10 rental dates or 20 hours on a singular contract may be eligible for monthly payment schedules.  
Cancellation Policy: 

Should the Permit Holder no longer require the rental of a facility, the City must be notified of the cancellation no less than 14 days prior to the event. Cancellation of tournaments/meets/large special events must be provided no less than 21 days prior to the event. No refunds will be provided if the City receives a notification of cancellation within a period less than the notice period specified within the City’s Minor Sports Policy or Rental Cancellation Policy.

Facility Rental Insurance:
Insurance is mandatory for all clients renting a City of Cambridge facility. If you are providing your own Certificate of Insurance it must evidence $2 million in general liability coverage with the City of Cambridge listed as additionally insured. Eligible clients have the option to purchase insurance through the City of Cambridge at the time of booking. Insurance rates are based on the type of activity and perceived risk categories associated with the activity. To find out more information about purchasing insurance, please contact the rental team at 519-623-1340 ext. 4018 or email Please note: insurance cannot be purchased through the City of Cambridge for minor hockey league games or practices.
SOCAN and Re:Sound Fees:
Under the Copywrite Act, songwriters, composers, record companies, music publishers and performing artists have rights to compensation for use of their music. Socan and Re:sound are music licenses for the use of recorded and live music in public settings. The City collects these fees on behalf of Entandem for all facility permits involving music. Fee amounts are dependent on facility and number of attendees at the event
Respectful Behaviour Policy
The City of Cambridge is committed to promoting a safe, healthy, respectful, and positive environment for all members of the public, volunteers and staff. All patrons, guests, associations, organizations, individuals and groups participating in any activity or program within City facilities are required to conduct themselves in a manner that does not negatively affect the ability of others to use and enjoy City facilities, or in a manner that could be deemed as inappropriate conduct. The Respectful Behaviour Policy serves to define conducts that may negatively impact the experience of others or creates unsafe conditions, and how these conducts will be addressed.
 Facility Allocation: 
Sport facility allocation follows the Council Approved Sport Facility Space Allocation Policy.

Seasonal requests must be via the allocation application process as outlined in the user group package. Failure to do so may result in exclusion from the standard allocation process. Facility space will be allocated in the following order:

1. Licensee
2. Large Special Events
3. Municipal
4. Special Events, Tournaments, and Meets
5. Minor Sport Organizations
6. Community Organizations
7. School Boards or Community School groups
8. Adult group/Private User
9. Commercial group or Non-Resident