The City of Cambridge Development Planning Section is responsible for processing and reviewing a range of development applications and requests.  For more information on these applications and requests, refer to the drop down list below. 


A Preconsultation Application is strongly recommended prior to submitting a Planning Applications for any of the following: 

  • Official Plan Amendment and/or Zoning By-law Amendment
  • Plan of Subdivision
  • Plan of Condominium
  • Site Plan Control 

As of January 1, 2025, the application fees for these applications will be increased where a preconsultation has not been held with the City prior to submission. 

Follow the link below to the City's On-Line Application Portal:

Visit the online application system now

Zoning By-law Amendments and Official Plan Amendments

Zoning By-law Amendment Application is typically required to make changes to zoning regulations or permitted uses, changes to the zoning category, or removal of suffixes and prefixes, within the City's Zoning By-law that apply to a specific property. Cambridge City Council is the approval authority for this type of application. 

An Official Plan Amendment Application is typically required to change policies or designations within the City's Official Plan that apply to a specific property. Cambridge City Council is the approval authority for this type of application, provided the Official Plan Amendment is exempt from further approval by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

Where both an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment are required, a joint application can be filed. Refer to the planning application fee list below for separate and joint application fees. 

A development pre-consultation application is strongly recommended prior to the submission of an Official Plan Amendment and/or Zoning By-Law Amendment Application.  The pre-consultation will result in a formal record of preliminary comments from City Staff and Agencies and a detailed list of submission requirements for a complete application. 

Where the applicant has not completed a pre-consultation prior to the submission of an Official Plan Amendment and/or Zoning By-law Amendment Application, and unless it has been determined that certain studies, plans, drawings and reports are not applicable, all of the following will be required for a Complete Application:

·       Completed online application  

o   Completed and signed Permission to Enter Private Property Forms

o   Completed and signed Authorization of all Owner(s) for Agent

o   Completed and signed Contaminated Site Screening Questionnaire

·       Payment of Application Fees (see Fee Schedule below)

o   Including flat rate deposit for peer review and administrative fee (per study)

o   An invoice will be sent upon initial review of the submission

·       Cover Letter

·       Planning Justification Report

·       Draft Official Plan Amendment and/or Draft Zoning By-law Amendment

o   A by-law(s) template can be requested from

·       Concept Plan drawn on a single sheet to scale and include:

o   The boundaries and dimensions of the subject land

o   The location, size and type of all existing and proposed buildings and structures on the subject land, indicating their height, distance from the front lot line, rear lot line and side lot lines

o   The approximate location of all natural and artificial features that are located on the subject land (or adjacent) and may affect the application

o   The current uses of land that is adjacent to the subject land

o   The location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelled road, a private road or a right of way

o   Parking identifying the number of spaces based on the City’s Zoning Standards for parking spaces

o   The location and nature of any easements affecting the subject land

o   If access to the subject land will be by water only, the location of the parking and docking facilities to be used

o   Any proposed trail connections, open spaces, and amenity areas

o   All measurements are to be in metric units

·       Massing Models and Elevations

·       Zoning Matrix

o   List of all site statistics relative to existing and proposed zoning regulations

·       Engineering Requirements to be prepared in accordance with the Terms of Reference in section 7 of the City’s Engineering Manual:

o   Stormwater Management Report

o   Functional Servicing Report

o   Preliminary Grading Plan

o   Preliminary Site Servicing Plan

·       Transportation Impact Study Screening Form shall be submitted to the City to confirm the requirement for a TIS prior to submitting the application

·       Transportation Impact Study to be prepared in accordance with section 7.12 of the City’s Engineering Manual, unless deemed not required by City and Region

o   TIS review fee (City and Region, if applicable)

·       Parking Study (for any proposed parking reductions) in accordance with section 7.13 of the Engineering Manual

·       Environmental Impact Study

o   Terms of Reference to be approved by staff in advance

o   EIS review fee

·       Tree Management Plan (where there are trees on the property and the development is not subject to Site Plan Approval) in accordance with section 7.14 of the Engineering Manual

·       Preliminary Landscape Plans are encouraged to be submitted

·       Heritage Impact Assessment if property is listed/designated, adjacent to a listed/designated property and/or in a heritage conservation district (Full or Scoped to be confirmed by Heritage Planning staff)

o   HIA review fee

·       Noise Study(refer to Terms of Reference for when this is required)

o   Peer review administrative fee

o   Peer review deposit fee (unused portion will be returned to the applicant)

·       Vibration Study(refer to Terms of Reference for when this is required)

o   Peer review administrative fee

o   Peer review deposit fee (unused portion will be returned to the applicant)

o   If submitted as part of a Noise Study, only one peer review and peer review administrative fee is required

·       Record of Site Condition

·       Archeological Assessment and Ministry Acknowledgement Letter

·       Hydrogeological Study (in accordance with Regional Official Plan policies or for privately serviced developments)

·       Geodedic Survey (if located in the Floodplain)

o   Regulated Flood Elevation to be delineated on all plans

·       Geotechnical Report (if located in Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) regulated slope hazard area or required by GRCA)

·       Shadow Study (refer to Terms of Reference for when this is required)

·       Wind Study (refer to Terms of Reference for when this is required)

·       Urban Design Brief or Urban Design Guidelines if located in one of the areas listed below:

·       Retail/Commercial Impact Analysis Study (if applicable, as per Official Plan Policy a),, and

·       Additional required studies may be identified through a Pre-consultation Application

The above requirements must be submitted by the applicant for a Complete Application. If the information, studies, plans, drawings and reports and the applicable fees are not provided, the City will deem the application incomplete and the application(s) will not be processed.

Follow the link below to the City's On-Line Application Portal:

Visit the online application system now

Refer to the City's Guide for Applicants/Agents - Statutory Public Meetings and Council Meetings

Site Plan Approval

Site Plan Approval is a technical review and approval process used by municipalities to ensure new development on a property is functional, efficient, universally designed, and compatible with adjacent lands.  It also ensures site features such as vehicular and pedestrian access, parking, landscaping and open spaces, servicing, grading, utilities, garbage facilities, utilities, and lighting are located, built and maintained in accordance with current regulations, standards and requirements. Where Site Plan Approval is required, it typically must be obtained prior to the issuance of a Building Permit.

There are 6 types of Site Plan Applications: 

  • Major / Complex
  • Standard
  • Minor
  • Amendment
  • Redline Revision
  • Telecommunication Tower

For more information on Site Plan Approval Applications and the approval process, please visit the Site Plan Approval webpage

Committee of Adjustment Applications

The Committee of Adjustment is an independent decision-making tribunal, made up of 5 persons of the community appointed by Cambridge City Council.  Applications for the following are submitted to

  • Minor Variances to the Regulations of Zoning By-laws
  • Changes or Extensions to Legal Non-Conforming Land Uses, Buildings and Structures
  • Interpretations to Generalized Zoning By-laws
  • Consent, which includes: 
    • Severances
    • Lot Additions
    • Easements/rights of way between private property owners
    • Leases for more than 21 years

For more information on Committee of Adjustment Applications, submission requirements, and the decision process, please visit the Committee of Adjustment webpage

Subdivisions and Condominiums

The Region of Waterloo is the approval authority for subdivision and condominium applications within the City of Cambridge. The City is currently acting as a commenting agency only.  Applicants are required to submit their subdivision/condominium applications directly to the Region of Waterloo.

A pre-consultation application is strongly encouraged prior to the submissions of your plan of subdivision or condominium.

Please note that the subdivision review process takes a minimum of six months to complete. Condominium applications that do not require a public meeting take a minimum of three months to complete.

Any requests to modify a draft approved plan of subdivision, condominium, and/or conditions, must submit the request to the Region of Waterloo as the approval authority.

For more information on these land division processes, refer to the following resources: 


Demolition Control Permits

As of January 1, 2025, a demolition control permit is required to demolish one or more legal residential dwelling units anywhere in the City of Cambridge.  Prior to the issuance of a demolition control permit, all planning approvals for a replacement development must be completed, and a building permit for the replacement development must be accepted by the Building Services Division.  There are exemptions to demolition control, in which case only a standard demolition permit is required.  These exemptions are listed in the Demolition Control By-law.  

To obtain a demolition control permit, complete and submit the following to 

  1.         Application for a Permit to Demolish (Form 1)                                                    
  2.         Supplemental Permit Information (Form 2)                                                     
  3.         Survey showing the structure(s) to be demolished                                   
  4.         Photographs of the structure(s) to be demolished                                          
  5.         * Commitment Form for Professional Engineer                                   
  6.         Permit Fee: $0.20 per sq.ft., minimum $215

* The applicant for a permit respecting the demolition of a building shall retain a professional engineer to undertake the general review of the project during demolition, where:

  • (a)   The building exceeds 3 storeys in building height or 600 m2 (6460ft2) in “Building Area”;
  • (b)   The building structure includes a pre-tensioned or post-tensioned members;
  • (c)   It is proposed that the demolition will extend below the level of the footings of any adjacent building and occur within the angle of repose of the soil, drawn from the bottom of such footings, or;
  • (d)   Explosives or a laser are to be used during the course of demolition.


Demolition Control By-law 24-117

Staff Report 27-117-CD (approved by Council on November 26, 2024)

Lifting of Holding (H) Provisions
Council has delegated authority to the Chief Planner (or designate) to approve requests to lift a holding (H). A holding (H) may be applied to a property through an implementing zoning by-law. The purpose of the holding is to impose conditions to be satisfied prior to development proceeding. To confirm what materials are to be submitted in support of this type of request, please email
Part Lot Control Exemptions

Section 50(5) of the Planning Act provides that part of a lot or block on a registered plan of subdivision cannot be transferred from one landowner to another which has the effect of preventing subsequent division of land, except through the approval of a plan of subdivision, consent application or part lot control exemption.

Section 50(7) allows municipalities to enact by-laws to exempt lands in a registered plan of subdivision from part lot control, to allow further division of lands and creation of new lots.  The by-law remains in effect for 2 years. 

Council has delegated authority to the Chief Planner (or Designate) to approve requests for exemptions from part lot control.

Please submit the Part Lot Control Exemption Application Form to Please submit a draft reference plan and zoning compliance certificate (prepared by a qualified surveyor) in support of this request.

Variances/Amendments to the Fence By-law or Sign By-law

Council has delegated authority to the Chief Planner to approve requests for variances to the City's Fence By-law 92-05 or the City's Sign By-law.   If you have questions regarding these by-laws or wish to confirm what materials are to be submitted in support of these requests, please email

Requests for Legal Non-Conforming Verification 

Before applying for a building permit for any proposed work to a non-complying building it is strongly recommended that you apply for legal non-conforming status through a Legal Non-conforming Use Verification Application.   Upon completion of this application form, and gathering the supporting documents, submit the form and documents to  Administrative Staff will contact you to arrange payment and complete the application in-take process.  Planning Staff will review our application, contact you with any questions, and send a Final Compliance Letter to conclude the process.   

For more information, please visit the Property Information Request & Legal Non-Conforming Verification webpage.  

Planning Information Requests

Requests for Planning Information Letters (formerly referred to as Compliance Letters) can be provided for the following:

  • Zoning Information, including Committee of Adjustment decisions 
  • Official Plan Designations 
  • Site Plan Approvals and Agreement Securities 
  • Orders to Comply 
  • Building Permit History
  • Heritage Act Designations

For more information, please visit the Property Information Request & Legal Non-Conforming Verification webpage.  

Other Planning Requests 

The Planning Division also processes other requests (which do not fall under one of the application categories listed above), such as:

  • Opening Road Reserves as Public Highway

Please email for more information.

Other Documents and Resources



TERMS OF REFERENCE for the preparation of a/an: 


All current development applications in process or under appeal are listed here. 


2025 Planning Application & Service Fees (In Effect Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2025) 

2024 Planning Application & Service Fees (In Effect Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2024)

City Application Fees can be paid in one of the following ways:

  • Online payments should be made for fees under $10,000. Please visit the Online Application Portal and select Make a Payment to pay with your invoice number using VISA or MASTERCARD. Please note there is a 1.75% service fee.
  • In Person payments can be made in the form of a certified cheque or bank draft (for payments over $5,000), cash, debit or cheque ( for payments up to and including $5,000).  Payments are accepted at the Service Cambridge Desk located on the ground floor of City Hall at 50 Dickson Street.  If you are paying an invoice, please bring a copy of the invoice.  
  • Mail or courier payments in the form of a cheque (payable to the City of Cambridge, with the file # listed beside Notes) or cash to:

Cambridge City Hall                                                                                                              
Attn: Development Planning
50 Dickson Street
P.O. Box 669
Cambridge, ON N1R 5W8


If you are unsure whether a development application or request is required for your project, or what type is needed, please call (519) 623-1340 ex.4602 or submit your inquiry to and the planning services team will assist you. 


Zoning By-law Amendment Application is typically required to make changes to zoning regulations or permitted uses, changes to the zoning category, or removal of suffixes and prefixes, within the City's Zoning By-law that apply to a specific property. Cambridge City Council is the approval authority for this type of application. 

An Official Plan Amendment Application is typically required to change policies or designations within the City's Official Plan that apply to a specific property. Cambridge City Council is the approval authority for this type of application, provided the Official Plan Amendment is exempt from further approval by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

Where both an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment are required, a joint application can be filed. Refer to the planning application fee list below for separate and joint application fees. 

A development pre-consultation application is strongly recommended prior to the submission of an Official Plan Amendment and/or Zoning By-Law Amendment Application.  The pre-consultation will result in a formal record of preliminary comments from City Staff and Agencies and a detailed list of submission requirements for a complete application. 

Where the applicant has not completed a pre-consultation prior to the submission of an Official Plan Amendment and/or Zoning By-law Amendment Application, and unless it has been determined that certain studies, plans, drawings and reports are not applicable, all of the following will be required for a Complete Application:

·       Completed online application  

o   Completed and signed Permission to Enter Private Property Forms

o   Completed and signed Authorization of all Owner(s) for Agent

o   Completed and signed Contaminated Site Screening Questionnaire

·       Payment of Application Fees (see Fee Schedule below)

o   Including flat rate deposit for peer review and administrative fee (per study)

o   An invoice will be sent upon initial review of the submission

·       Cover Letter

·       Planning Justification Report

·       Draft Official Plan Amendment and/or Draft Zoning By-law Amendment

o   A by-law(s) template can be requested from

·       Concept Plan drawn on a single sheet to scale and include:

o   The boundaries and dimensions of the subject land

o   The location, size and type of all existing and proposed buildings and structures on the subject land, indicating their height, distance from the front lot line, rear lot line and side lot lines

o   The approximate location of all natural and artificial features that are located on the subject land (or adjacent) and may affect the application

o   The current uses of land that is adjacent to the subject land

o   The location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance, a public travelled road, a private road or a right of way

o   Parking identifying the number of spaces based on the City’s Zoning Standards for parking spaces

o   The location and nature of any easements affecting the subject land

o   If access to the subject land will be by water only, the location of the parking and docking facilities to be used

o   Any proposed trail connections, open spaces, and amenity areas

o   All measurements are to be in metric units

·       Massing Models and Elevations

·       Zoning Matrix

o   List of all site statistics relative to existing and proposed zoning regulations

·       Engineering Requirements to be prepared in accordance with the Terms of Reference in section 7 of the City’s Engineering Manual:

o   Stormwater Management Report

o   Functional Servicing Report

o   Preliminary Grading Plan

o   Preliminary Site Servicing Plan

·       Transportation Impact Study Screening Form shall be submitted to the City to confirm the requirement for a TIS prior to submitting the application

·       Transportation Impact Study to be prepared in accordance with section 7.12 of the City’s Engineering Manual, unless deemed not required by City and Region

o   TIS review fee (City and Region, if applicable)

·       Parking Study (for any proposed parking reductions) in accordance with section 7.13 of the Engineering Manual

·       Environmental Impact Study

o   Terms of Reference to be approved by staff in advance

o   EIS review fee

·       Tree Management Plan (where there are trees on the property and the development is not subject to Site Plan Approval) in accordance with section 7.14 of the Engineering Manual

·       Preliminary Landscape Plans are encouraged to be submitted

·       Heritage Impact Assessment if property is listed/designated, adjacent to a listed/designated property and/or in a heritage conservation district (Full or Scoped to be confirmed by Heritage Planning staff)

o   HIA review fee

·       Noise Study(refer to Terms of Reference for when this is required)

o   Peer review administrative fee

o   Peer review deposit fee (unused portion will be returned to the applicant)

·       Vibration Study(refer to Terms of Reference for when this is required)

o   Peer review administrative fee

o   Peer review deposit fee (unused portion will be returned to the applicant)

o   If submitted as part of a Noise Study, only one peer review and peer review administrative fee is required

·       Record of Site Condition

·       Archeological Assessment and Ministry Acknowledgement Letter

·       Hydrogeological Study (in accordance with Regional Official Plan policies or for privately serviced developments)

·       Geodedic Survey (if located in the Floodplain)

o   Regulated Flood Elevation to be delineated on all plans

·       Geotechnical Report (if located in Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) regulated slope hazard area or required by GRCA)

·       Shadow Study (refer to Terms of Reference for when this is required)

·       Wind Study (refer to Terms of Reference for when this is required)

·       Urban Design Brief or Urban Design Guidelines if located in one of the areas listed below:

·       Retail/Commercial Impact Analysis Study (if applicable, as per Official Plan Policy a),, and

·       Additional required studies may be identified through a Pre-consultation Application

The above requirements must be submitted by the applicant for a Complete Application. If the information, studies, plans, drawings and reports and the applicable fees are not provided, the City will deem the application incomplete and the application(s) will not be processed.

Follow the link below to the City's On-Line Application Portal:

A blue rectangle with white text

Description automatically generated

Refer to the City's Guide for Applicants/Agents - Statutory Public Meetings and Council Meetings