The City of Cambridge Infrastructure Services Department serves the citizens and businesses of Cambridge in a variety of ways. The department's main services include:

  • Providing clean drinking water to over 40,000 customers, maintain wastewater and stormwater collection systems to prevent flooding and protect the natural environment in a reliable, cost-effective an environmentally sustainable manner.
  • Providing safe infrastructure that ensures the built and natural environment is maintained - includes operation and maintenance of our roads, bridges and culverts, sidewalks, and walkways.
  • Operation and maintenance of the City’s parks, open spaces, sports fields, arenas, cemeteries, trails, forestry and horticulture.
  • Keeping the City’s core areas clean and inviting for businesses, visitors and residents.
  • Maintenance, repair and replacement of the City’s equipment and vehicles to support current and future operational needs of all service areas.
  • Establishing Cambridge’s 10-year Capital Investment Program to implement strategic objectives as determined by Council and to meet the needs of the community. The Project Management Office (PMO) also creates an environment of measurable and disciplined project management to deliver the capital investment program.
  • Sustainable infrastructure planning to maintain current service levels and support future growth as per Ontario Regulation 588/17 in step with evolving industry standards.

The department leads reliable and efficient delivery of infrastructure services that all Cambridge residents and businesses rely on every day in a sustainable, cost-effective and environmentally responsible manner.

Service Areas

The following service area support the Infrastructure Service Department:

  • Ambassador Program – Maintain City’s core areas accessible by regular cleaning, waste collection, bio-hazard and sharps pick-up.
  • Asset Management Planning – Planning for sustainable service delivery and support growth through forecasting of future acquisition, renewal, replacement and disposal of infrastructure. Inventory, condition assessment of the City’s assets and preparation of the City’s State of Infrastructure report as per Strategic Asset Management Policy.
  • Fleet Operations – Acquisition, maintenance, repairs and disposal of City’s vehicle and equipment, fuel system for all service areas.
  • Parks Operations – Operation and maintenance of sports fields, turf management, grass cutting, tree maintenance, forestry, horticulture, trails, playgrounds, splash pads, parks buildings, arenas and cemeteries.
  • Project Management and Reporting– Establishes project management framework, prepares governance structure and provides an oversight to all projects for successful delivery of the Capital Investment Program. Prepares and provides regular project status reports to senior management, council and community.
  • Roads - Asphalt patching, pothole repairs, crack sealing, curb and ramp repair/replacement, sign repair/replacement, deficiency patrols, road closures, debris pick up, utility trench restorations, shoulder grading, sweeping operations, leaf collection, roadside brush maintenance, sod/grass repair and retaining wall repairs.
  • Sidewalks – Utility repairs, sidewalk repair/replacement, walkway repairs and renewal.
  • Stormwater - Storm water management facility (storm pond) maintenance, storm sewer network maintenance, culvert repair/replacement and, flood wall installations.
  • Utility Services – Installation and connection of new water and wastewater services and utility locates.
  • Wastewater – Wastewater collection system maintenance including flushing operations, sewer main repairs, lateral repairs/installations and pumping station operations, maintenance and renewal.
  • WaterDrinking water distribution system maintenance including, watermain and service repairs, hydrant operations, valve and flushing operations, drinking water testing and quality assurance, water meters and service installations.
  • Winter maintenance – Plowing, salting and sanding roads, bike lanes, sidewalks, walkways, trails and snow removal from the City’s core areas.

 Department Goals

The Infrastructure Services department has several key goals, including:

  • Accountability and transparency. Be accountable and transparent by automating our processes and transactions in order to make information available and accessible.
  • Accessibility. To provide an accessible built and natural environment and services that encourage participation, increase access and reduce barriers.
  • Responsive to community needs. To respond to community needs by providing relevant vehicle and active transportation infrastructure, parks and sports fields, trails, forestry, horticulture and cemetery services and to deliver safe drinking water to residents and business.
  • Sustainability. Provide effective planning and implementation of corporate strategies and policies as they relate to the use of City assets and infrastructure. Ensure sustainability by caring for the built and natural environment and supporting short term needs and long-term growth.


The Deputy City Manager of the Infrastructure Service department uses the following principles to guide the department's actions:

  • Establish, maintain and promote cooperative positive relationships with elected officials, departments and the public, while demonstrating the City's core values.
  • Care for the built and natural environment in a responsible manner to ensure preservation for future generations.
  • Promote a customer service-oriented culture.
  • Be accountable to our community through transparent reporting.
  • Promote Innovation and efficiency in department service areas and projects.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Deputy City Manager has the following expectations for the functions of the department:

  • Ensuring timely and effective communications with all stakeholders.
  • Pursuing continuous improvements to benefit all citizens.
  • Caring for the built and natural environment.
  • Ensuring that the City can grow and build upon its success in the coming years.
  • Using staff and financial resources to ensure Cambridge is a community where people have safe and quality drinking water and transportation infrastructure, the natural environment is protected and there are places to enjoy open spaces, parks and trails.

The City's Strategic Plan is implemented by focusing on; people, place, prosperity.