What are Council Information Packages (CIPs)?

The Council Information Package (CIP) is a package compiled by the City Clerk. CIPs  contain items of correspondence from other levels of government, agencies, and organizations, as well as update items from City of Cambridge staff and partners. Items in the CIP are for information only and do not require a decision from Council.

As part of informing Council about the agenda, Council will regularly receive any CIPs that have been distributed so that they become an official part of the City’s records. This also provides an opportunity for Council to discuss any matters that have appeared in the CIP, as well as put an item up for debate and consideration or ask questions for clarification.

Council may request specific resolutions be directed to the Provincial and Federal governments, Ontario municipalities, and other relevant agencies, such as the Grand River Conservation Authority. Copies of resolutions sent to these bodies are included in the Council Information Package.

What is a Resolution?

A Resolution is a motion that is approved by or put forward to Council at a Council Meeting and is accepted by a majority vote. Following approval, a resolution is then entered into the minutes for the official record of the meeting. 

Items in the CIP are for information only. However, Council may action the resolution by passing a similar motion or directing staff to follow-up and / or report back to Council with more information regarding the resolution. 

How do I read a Council Information Package?

The CIP can be read by opening the document below for the date you wish to access. It can also be read as part of the agenda package presented to Council at each Council Meeting (check Council’s schedule).

If you have any questions related to the Council Information Package, or what appears in the package, please contact clerks@cambridge.ca

2025 Council Information Packages
2024 Council Information Packages
2023 Council Information Packages 
2022 Council Information Packages
2021 Council Information Packages
2020 Council Information Packages