The City is committed to ensuring that residents feel welcome and safe in our downtown areas. Our Ambassador Team and Bylaw Officers closely monitor and visit these areas daily. We also work closely with the Waterloo Regional Police Services to ensure an increased presence when needed. 

While public health, law enforcement, and housing are not officially under the City’s jurisdiction, we take an active role in supporting and supplementing regional efforts, social supports and community partnerships. We are working closely with our Business Industry Associations and partners to implement meaningful and long-term solutions to complex issues. See below for some of the actions we've taken to date to protect public safety and enhance our downtown core areas.

Key actions to date
  • The Ambassador Team is active in our core areas from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. including weekends.
  • Coordinated work between our bylaw team, WRPS and the Ambassador Team to address overnight camps that might locate within our parks and trails
  • Waterloo Region Police Services has created a CORE team lead by Sargent Lewis of the Cambridge detachment, with additional resources doing regular foot patrol
  • As of September 28, the City launched a new security patrol in downtown Cambridge to provide an additional level of safety and security for businesses and residents in the evenings and overnight. Four security officers have been contracted between the hours of 8 p.m. and 6 a.m., seven days a week. 
  • Improved lighting and security cameras in our core areas and City trails
  • Developed an online reporting and tracking tool for garbage and/or needle debris
  • Expedited process for patios and outside spaces during the pandemic and ongoing support for our local businesses.
  • Worked with vendors to create a safe reopening plan for the Cambridge Farmers’ Market
  • Recently established a Downtown Development Team to help property owners wishing to redevelop their sites including renovating some of our prized heritage buildings
  • Reconstructed King Street in Preston with not only new infrastructure, but new streetscaping, including decorative lights, benches and pedestrian friendly sidewalks
  • Completed the Water Street parking lot with infrastructure to install tents and a stage for events in the future (no events during pandemic)
  • Recently completed streetscaping of Main Street in Galt
  • Facilitated the redevelopment of the old American Standard building in Hespeler creating much needed housing and core area redevelopment
  • Provided the necessary infrastructure to facilitate the private investment of $120 million into the Gaslight District, bringing an additional 400 residential units to the core. 
  • Completed the pedestrian bridge over the Grand River providing a great way of connecting both the east and west sides of Galt without the use of a vehicle.
  • Invested in a world class digital library in a heritage building which has become a key community space; as well as the popular digital light show (on hold during the pandemic)
  • Working with the Region of Waterloo on solutions to the housing shortage, as well as the provision of improved 'wrap-around ' services to support those in need.
  • Creation of the Core Areas Transformation Fund. Over the next decade, this fund will be used for projects that will stimulate growth and investment to promote urban vitality.
  • Worked with community partners to advance the Cambridge Neighbourhood Table initiative.
  • As part of the regional pandemic response plan, municipal and community partners formed a Community Support Control Group to support our vulnerable population during this time. This included finding shelter spaces for those needing shelter with appropriate physical distancing measures in place.

Who to contact

Local contact information
Cleanup Requests Bylaw Concerns Police (non-emergencies)

Call:  (519) 623-1340
Report online

Call:  (519) 623-1340, ext. 7907
Report online

Call: (519) 570- 9777

Report online