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Speaking at Committee or Council
Any person who wishes to speak at a Committee or Council meeting must complete the Delegation Request Form. Shortly after submission, staff will notify you if your request has been approved. If you wish to speak at a Public Meeting that is scheduled in accordance with the Planning Act, 1990, as amended, you do not need to register as a delegation, however it is encouraged.
For more information related to delegations at a meeting held virtually, please see the Delegation Tip Sheet.
To ensure compliance with the Procedure By-law 23-035, any and all materials distributed to Council must be submitted to the Clerk’s Office by no later than 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting for Council Meetings and Planning - Statutory Public Meeting Committees occurring at 6:30 p.m.
All written submissions including those received past the deadline to, related to the Council Agenda Material, will be included in the public record as part of the meeting minutes.
Delegations related to staff performance, labour relations, ongoing legal proceedings or solicitation of business will not be considered by Council or a Committee.
Council meetings are live-webcasted and archived on the City’s website and may be broadcasted live through RogersTV.
View our Council and Committee Calendar for upcoming meetings.
How long can I speak for?
As a delegate, you are permitted a maximum of five (5) minutes to outline your request or concerns. If your delegation consists of a group of people wishing to address Council with respect to a particular position, then Council may determine that the group shall be represented by one (1) person or that the time limit may be extended up to a maximum of ten (10) minutes. The group of people must be identified on the delegation registration form. Written submissions or correspondence to Council shall not be read aloud at the Council meeting, only incorporated into the minutes of the Council meeting.
Public Petitions
Please be advised that petitions submitted at a public meeting are considered to form part of the public record. Accordingly, if you wish to submit a petition, please ensure that everyone has signed it understands that their personal information will be available to the public and will not be protected under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990, as amended.
Statutory Public Meetings
Members of the public are invited to submit written comments
or requests to delegate via in person or virtually related to items on the agenda by
completing the online Delegation Request form no later than 12:00 p.m. on the
day of the meeting. All written delegation and correspondence submissions will form part of the public
Public Meeting Texting Lines
(226) 218-1184 and (226) 218-1734
If you wish to delegate during a statutory public meeting, please text (226) 218-1184 and (226) 218-1734. Alternatively, you may send an email to the Clerks' Division at A member from the Clerks' team will connect with you to facilitate your delegation request.
Please note this number is only permitted if you are texting in for a statutory public meeting. This number is not monitored for Regular Council Meetings.
Helpful Hints for Engaging Council
Preparing your Delegation |
Materials relating to your delegation need to be submitted to the Clerk’s Office by 4:30 p.m. the day before the meeting. Presentations must be in PowerPoint. The maximum file size to be submitted is 10 MB. If you are unable to provide your material prior to the deadline, please bring the material with you and have fifteen (15) copies for distribution. Please note that USB keys with delegation materials will not be accepted at the meeting. At the meeting, delegates will be asked to provide a copy of their speaking notes and any information they present for inclusion in the public record. Delegations should prepare their presentation material using accessible formatting:
Are you seeking funding? If you are asking for funding or to solve a problem, be aware that you may be asked to attend Council during the budget period of the year when Council is discussing the Capital and Operating Budget. Council will base their decision on value for the community, available budget and/or available staffing. Some things to consider are:
During your Delegation |