The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) assesses and classifies all properties in the Province of Ontario, in accordance with the Ontario Assessment Act. The Assessment Act mandates MPAC reassess values every four years. MPAC phases in any increase in an individual equally over the four year term. 

At this time, MPAC's base year assessment is January 1, 2016 and covers taxation years 2017 through 2020.

Property taxes and assessments

Our tax information tool provides a five-year history of property assessments and property taxes. It also includes current tax payment installment amounts.

Look up property tax and property assessments online.

Please note that this application offers general property information and is not a statement on the current tax status of a property. The Municipal Act and the Assessment Act allow the City of Cambridge to provide this property information to the public. This information is compliant with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). Ownership and legal descriptions are not included in order to follow the regulations of the MFIPPA.