The City of Cambridge Fire Department's Fire Prevention division consists of seven fire prevention specialists and one clerical support person. The division works to reduce fire losses by providing enforcement services using various codes and standards, fire investigation services and public education.

Fire Prevention Services

Contact us to learn more about any of the following services.

Complaints and Requests
The Fire Prevention division helps homeowners, tenants or workers deal with fire-related problems in the buildings they own or occupy. Under the Ontario Fire Code, upgrades and maintenance to properties ensure exiting, containment, annunciation (alarms), suppression equipment and processes meet the required standards.
Routine Inspections

To ensure buildings in Cambridge meet the requirements of the Ontario Fire Code, the Fire Prevention division completes inspections based on risk.

Remember that having working smoke alarms is the law!

If you are a building owner, the following sample reports will help you develop inspection reports.

If you are a homeowner, this Home Inspection Checklist will help you perform a self-inspection of your home to ensure the safety of your family.

File Search

Usually associated with a property sale, a file search inspection costs $204.18 ($180.96 + $23.49 HST).

If the fire search is required within 5 business days, the total expedited fee is $443.48 HST included. Cambridge Fire will make every effort to expedite the request, but cannot guarantee within the timeframe. 

Fire Investigations

Unfortunately, even with the proper safety precautions fires can still occur in the City. The Fire Prevention Division assists or assumes the lead role in determining the origin and cause of:

  • Fires of unusual nature
  • Arson
  • Explosions
  • Fatalities
  • Fires with unclear origin

Our staff has specialized training in the science of fire investigation which they use to determine the cause of the fire. If necessary, we also help Waterloo Regional Police build strong legal cases in instances of intentionally set fires.


A copy of the official Fire Report or Fire Incident Report costs $86.09 ($76.19 + $9.90 HST).

Business / Liquor / Cannabis License 

For all new liquor / Cannabis licenses in the City of Cambridge, it is important that the establishments are in compliance with the fire code. Our Fire Prevention Division is often requested to set the occupant load for establishments applying for a liquor license, following the provisions set out in both the Ontario Building Code and the Ontario Fire Code.


Liquor / Cannabis license 

Inspection costs $180.69 (tax exempt). 

If a Liquor / Cannabis license is required within 5 business days, the total expedited fee is $392.46 (tax exempt). Cambridge Fire will make every effort to expedite the request, but cannot guarantee within the timeframe.


Business License 

Inspection Cost $180.69 (tax exempt).

If a Business License is required within 5 business days, the total expedited fee is $392.46 (tax exempt).

We inspect new businesses requiring a City of Cambridge business license to ensure they meet fire code standards. We also gather information about the business owner(s), building owner(s) and any unusual hazards that we may encounter if we respond to a fire or an emergency at the business location. All of this information is stored in the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system for quick and easy access during an emergency.

The Arson Prevention Program for Children (TAPPC)
The Fire Prevention division run the Arson Prevention Program for Children (TAPP-C). The first phase of the program is a home visit with a child and family that have been involved in a fire-setting incident. The second phase could include specialized counselling by various mental health experts and visits to the fire station that will enforce the idea of safe fire behavior in the home.
Plans Examination

It is important that our division provides input on building plans before construction begins to ensure the Cambridge Fire department can provide the best possible response to a fire or emergency at that location.

The Fire Prevention division reviews site plans of proposed commercial and larger multi-unit residential buildings, and comments on new subdivisions layouts to ensure requirements are met for the following:

  • Proper fire department access
  • Hydrant locations
  • Standpipe, hose and sprinkler system fire truck connections

Burn permit

The Fire Prevention division issues burn permits. The City of Cambridge requires you to have a burn permit for fires not used for cooking purposes within the city limits. When you submit a burn permit request, the division inspects the proposed fire area to ensure you meet all permit requirements, including:

  • A distance of at least 150 metres away from a building
  • Limit to the size of the fire
  • Necessary water supply
  • Proper supervision
  • What can and can't be burned
  • Burn Permit By-law #313-86

Initial burn permit cost is $97.96 (tax exempt) and will expire within 30 days.

Renewal burn permits cost is $76.19 (tax exempt).

Contact Fire Prevention at 519-621-6001 extension 2370. 

Special Occasion Permit

The fire department also helps issue special occasion permits by ensuring that buildings being used for an event are:

  • Fire safe
  • An appropriate occupant load
  • Tents have proper flame-retardant materials
  • Tents have correct certificates

Special occasion permits cost $110.39 ($97.69 + $12.70 HST).