Emergency Management 

Emergency preparedness to adapt to a changing environment.

Cyber Security Awareness

When was the last time you took a look at your digital footprint?

Take some time and review common safety practices for keeping your information safe online! Some helpful resources can be found here: https://www.getcybersafe.gc.ca/en

Remember to check in with elderly friends and family members as they are the most prone to run into cyber security issues, take some time and help them with their cyber security needs!

Visit Waterloo Regional Police Buy and Sell, Exchange Zones

Image for cyber security


Flooding is a result of the rising and overflowing of a body of water especially onto normally dry land. In Cambridge, flooding is a common occurrence during the spring months of March-May, but it can happen at any time.

Prepare your family for floods by putting together a 72 hour Emergency Preparedness Kit and preparing your property for potential flooding.

What to do:

Prepare your property
  • Know where your property is located in relation to flood warning areas.
  • Check your lot is properly graded and that roof and eaves are draining properly in heavy rain.
  • Move valuables that may be subject to flooding to upper levels.
  • Consider installing a sump pump and zero reverse flow values in basement flood drains.
  • Consider buying a portable generator and pump.
  • Consult your respective utility companies for instructions on how to safely shut off and protect your furnaces and other household equipment and for the necessary steps to take before restarting.
  • Overland flood insurance is now available in Ontario, please contact your insurer to determine if are covered or to obtain coverage.

Extreme Heat

Warming, Cooling and Clean Air Spaces are buildings in the region that provide space for the public to get temporary relief from heat, cold, or poor air quality during regular business hours. Warming, Cooling and Clean Air Spaces are located all over Waterloo Region, including Waterloo, Kitchener, Cambridge, North Dumfries, Wellesley, Wilmot, and Woolwich. There is no expectation of extra amenities or services at these spaces above what is already provided.

Extreme Heat

Stay safe this summer with some tips on how to handle an Extreme Heat Wave!

  1. Drink lots of water
  2. Don’t go outside during the hottest times of the day
  3. Wear loose fitting clothing and wear sunglasses and sunscreen
  4. Avoid drinking caffeine and alcohol as they can dehydrate you
  5. If you must work outside take frequent breaks to avoid over heating
  6. Avoid spending extra time outside, find something to do inside

For more information on Extreme Heat waves visit this site.

Extreme Heat

During a flood
  • Stay tuned to local media for warnings and advisories and visit www.cambridge.ca and/or www.grandriver.ca
  • Follow the instructions of emergency response officials, such as police, fire and municipal staff.
  • Remove valuable items from the basement and lower levels.
  • If you have a generator and/or portable pump, test them and have fuel on hand.
  • Make sure your sump pump is working.
  • Follow the instructions from your utility supplier (gas, electrical, propane, etc.) to safely shut down and protect furnaces and other appliances.
  • Prepare to evacuate if necessary. Collect necessary items such as cash, medication, important papers, identification and change of clothes.
  • Ensure your pets are not left alone during a flood by taking them to a kennel or leaving them with family and friends.
  • Do not attempt to drive on a road that has been closed due to flooding, obey the signs and take alternate routes.

List of hazards that can be found in flooding. Reasons to stay away from moving water.

After a flood
  • Do not return home until authorities advise it is safe.
  • Report broken utility lines.
  • Consult your insurer about steps to take if your property is flooded or you suspect structural damage.
  • Exercise caution when re-entering your home. If the main power switch was not turned off prior to flooding, do not re-enter your home until a qualified electrician has determined it is safe to do so.
  • If your main electrical panel was under water, it must be cleaned, dried and tested by a qualified electrician to determine if it is safe. Do not use flooded appliances, electrical outlets, switch boxes or fuse breaker panels until they have been checked by the power company.
  • If natural gas lines were under water, contact your gas supplier before resuming service. If natural gas appliances were under water, have them checked by an approved heating, ventilation and air conditioning contractor.
  • The water in your home could be contaminated with sewage and other pollutants. Contact Region of Waterloo Public Health at (519) 575-4400 for advice. 

How to stay up-to-date

To stay up-to-date on flood watches and warnings:

  • Subscribe to the Grand River Conservation Authority’s flood warning system at www.grandriver.ca 
  • Follow the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) on Twitter at @grca_flood_msg

For local flood response, including road closures, detours and more:

  • Visit the City’s website at www.cambridge.ca
  • Subscribe to the City of Cambridge’s weather and emergency updates at www.cambridge.ca/subscribe 
  • Follow the City of Cambridge on Twitter at @cityofcambridge

Hazardous materials release and shelter-in-place

Hazardous materials can pose a great danger to you and your family. In the event of an emergency where hazardous materials may have been released into the atmosphere, authorities may instruct you to shelter in place.

This is a precaution aimed to keep you and your family safe while remaining in your home. If you are told to shelter-in-place, take your children and pets indoors immediately.

While gathering your family, you can provide a minimal amount of protection to your ability to breathe by covering your mouth and nose with a damp cloth.

 What shelter-in-place means:

Shelter-in-place is a call to action when there is the potential of harmful air that you could be exposed to. Some chemicals are odourless, tasteless and invisible.

This is a precaution aimed to keep you safe while remaining indoors. (This is not the same thing as going to a shelter in case of a storm.) Shelter-in-place means selecting a small, interior room, with no or few windows, and taking refuge there. 

Shelter In Place calll to action: Listen to alers, go indoors, close windows, turn of AC, wait for all clear

 How to shelter-in-place:

First Responders may ask you to shelter-in-place. Shelter-in-place is a call to action when there is the potential of harmful air that you could be exposed to. Your responsibility is to  listen to emergency alerts, stay indoors, close windows and turn off air conditioners. Stay inside until the all clear is given.

  • If you are told there is danger of an explosion, close the window shades, blinds or curtains.
  • Turn off all fans, heating and air conditioning systems to avoid drawing air in from the outside.
  • Close fireplace dampers.
  • Get your family emergency kit and make sure your battery-operated radio is working.
  • Go to an interior room with few or no windows that is at or above ground level. In the case of a chemical threat, an above-ground room is preferable because some chemicals are heavier than air and may seep into basements even if the windows are closed.
  • Bring your pets with you and be sure to bring additional food and water supplies for them.
  • It is ideal to have a hard-wired telephone in the room you select. Cellular telephone equipment may be overwhelmed or damaged during an emergency.
  • Use duct tape and plastic sheeting (heavier than the kind used to wrap food) to seal all cracks around the door and any vents into the room.
  • Keep listening to your radio or television until you are told all is safe or you are told to evacuate.

Sheltering-in-place is meant to protect you and your family for a few hours. Shelter-in-place techniques are effective because they are easily and quickly accomplished. In a matter of moments, you can be safe inside your pre-selected room. For more information about shelter-in-place, contact your local emergency management office.

 Why you might need to shelter-in-place:

Chemical, biological, or radiological contaminants may be released accidently into the environment. Should this occur, information will be provided by local authorities on television and radio stations on how to protect you and your family. Because information will most likely be provided on television and radio, government websites, social media or wireless public alerting, it is important to keep a TV or radio on, even during the workday. The important thing is for you to follow instructions of local authorities and know what to do if they advise you to shelter-in-place.

If the need to shelter in place should arise, local authorities will typically broadcast through TV, radio, government websites, social media or wireless public alerting. Alert Ready and/or Alert Waterloo Region


Power outages

Severe weather and high winds can cause unexpected power outages, but they aren't the only reasons you might experience an outage. You may experience discomfort due to outages caused by animal contact, equipment failure, fallen trees, motor vehicle collisions or planned line services.

See below for a few tips to keep you prepared.

 Before the power goes out
  • Have emergency light sources (flashlights, batteries, rechargeable flashlights) in all major rooms of your house such as the kitchen, hallways, family rooms, and bedrooms.
  • Consider a portable mobile device charger that can keep your phone charged without electricity.
  • Have several coolers or ice chests on hand (inexpensive Styrofoam coolers will work), and get a supply of ice for food storage in the event of a long-term power outage.
  • Install surge protectors in your home to safeguard valuable electronic equipment such as computers and home entertainment systems.
  • Make sure you have at least one vehicle with no less than half a tank of fuel; gas pumps are electrically operated and gas stations will shut down during a power outage.
 During a power outage
  • First check to see if your neighbours have power. If you are the only home without electricity, check the main fuse in your electric service panel or fuse box to see if the main circuit breaker has been tripped or if a fuse has blown. If your neighbours don't have electricity either, then you know there has been a power outage in your area.
  • Turn off all major non-essential appliances such as your electric range and washer/dryer. Appliances and tools left switched on will start up automatically when your power is restored; turning them off prevents injury or fire.
  • Avoid opening the fridge unless necessary.  See "Managing food without power" below.
  • If you light candles, use candle holders and NEVER leave burning candles unattended.

Stay up-to-date on power outage information, including outage maps, by visiting the GrandBridge website. You can also contact:

Toll-Free Outage Line: 1-833-POWER-01 (769-3701)
Call 24/7/365 to report a new outage not showing on the Outage Map.

Did you know home fires are at an increased risk during a power outage         

Alternatives to candles in a power outage to prevent fires


Tips to avoid candle fires during a power outage


 Managing food without power
  • Keep the refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible.

  • The refrigerator will keep food cold for about 4 hours if it is unopened.

  • Refrigerated or frozen foods should be kept at 4 °C (40 °F) or below for proper food storage.

  • Use a refrigerator thermometer to check temperature.

  • Refrigerated food should be safe as long as the power was out for no more than 4 hours.

  • Discard any perishable food (such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs or leftovers) that has been above 4 °C (40 °F) for two hours or more.

Severe winter weather

Severe winter weather includes ice storms, blizzards, extreme cold, and other severe winter storms that pose a threat to life, property, or the environment, staying warm and safe can be a challenge. Winter storms can bring extreme temperatures, extended power failures, loss of communication services, and dangerous road conditions. To keep yourself and your loved ones safe, you should know how to prepare your home and your car before a winter storm hits.

 Before the storm hits

Listen to weather forecasts, check and restock your emergency kit; make sure you have extra blankets, batteries, emergency food and water supply, etc. ready to go before the storm hits. Even though we can’t always predict extreme cold in advance, weather forecasts can sometimes give you several days of notice to prepare. Have an emergency car kit.

  • For older adults, keep an easy-to-read thermometer inside your home. If you or a loved one are over 65 years old, place an easy-to-read thermometer in an indoor location where you will see it frequently. Our ability to feel a change in temperature decreases with age. Older adults are more susceptible to health problems caused by cold. Check the temperature of your home often during the winter months.

  • Expect stores to be busy - buy emergency supplies in advance

  • Plan to be without electricity - and heat - for 72 hours

  • Winterize your vehicle - ensure you have snow tires installed well in advance of the winter storm season

  • Make a communications plan for your family - how are you going to get in contact with each other if you’re away from home when the storm hits? How are you going to get everyone home?  (Click here to download a Family communication plan)

  • Make a plan to check in with neighbours, family, friends and anyone else who may need your help or whose help you may need.

  • Prepare a plan to help your family evacuate if needed.

 During the storm

  • Keep warm; change out of wet clothing, wear multiple layers, keep plenty of blankets available.

  • Stay indoors, if you must go out, dress for the weather to avoid serious cold-related injuries.

  • Use your emergency kit.

  • Avoid driving unless absolutely necessary.

  • If you must drive, keep on main roads and avoid unplowed side roads.

  • Do NOT use propane stoves or barbecues indoors. They release deadly carbon monoxide fumes when used indoors.

  • If you have pets, bring them indoors and make sure they are dry. If you cannot bring them inside, provide adequate shelter to keep them warm and make sure they have access to unfrozen water.

  • Run a trick of water to prevent pipes from freezing.
  • Consult safety manual when using space heaters - keep heat sources at least three feet away from furniture and curtains.

  • Check in with neighbours, family, and friends.

  • Evacuate if necessary or if advised to do so from officials.

 After the storm

  • If power in your home remains out beyond 72 hours, consider going to an emergency shelter (if available) or staying with friends and family.

  • Consult your utility company before reconnecting power and gas.

  • Check in with neighbours, family, and friends.

  • Safely begin to clear debris around your property - fallen tree branches, shovel snow, etc.

  • Keep away from any fallen power lines and do not attempt to remove debris near or on power lines.

  • Check with your local waste department for debris collection schedules.

 Ice storm

Ice storms can be the winter's worst hazard. The severity of ice storms depends on the accumulation of ice, the duration of the event, the location and extent of the area affected.  Ice can bring down power lines, tree limbs and sometimes even fully uproot a tree.

When ice is in the forecast, be sure to make sure you are prepared.

  • Check where your car is parked. Make sure it is not under power lines or a tree which can be brought down by ice. Use your garage if you have one or park in a clear area.
  • Bring your ice clearing tools inside. Make sure the ice doesn't keep you out of your vehicle by bringing your ice scraper, jumper cables, lock de-icer, etc. inside the house before the ice starts.
  • Re-stock or put together your emergency kit

 More information

 For more information on how to prepare you and your family for severe winter weather check out the following:


Emergency preparedness information

Generator safety

A generator can make a huge difference in your family's comfort during an emergency. But when not used correctly, they pose an increased risk. If you're thinking of using a generator, always be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions and keep the following tips in mind.

Carbon Monoxide safety

  • Do not use a generator indoors or in partially enclosed spaces such as homes, garages, and crawl spaces - even those areas with partial ventilation.
  • Do not use near open doors and windows. Using fans will not prevent carbon monoxide build-up in the home. Do not place the generator in front of open windows.
  • Remember that carbon monoxide fumes emitted by gasoline, propane, diesel or gas engines are odourless and can be fatal. 
  • Install carbon monoxide alarms inside your home to alert you of dangerous levels. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's recommended placement.

For more information on Carbon Monoxide poisoning

Reduce the risk of shock or electrocution

  • Always connect the generator to the appliances with heavy-duty extension cords.
  • Hooking up your generator directly into your home power supply could increase the voltage or could cause a surge to the outside power lines and potentially injure or electrocute an unaware utility lineman. It also bypasses some of the built-in household circuit protection devices.
  • Use a qualified electrician to install the appropriate equipment in accordance with local electrical codes, or ask your utility company to install an appropriate power transfer switch.

Fire safety

  • Keep your generator outside and fuel your generator outside.
  • Do not store fuel for your generator inside your house. Gasoline, propane, kerosene, diesel and other flammable liquids should be stored outside living areas in properly labeled, non-glass safety containers.
  • Do not store fuel near a fuel-burning appliance, for example a gas stove.
  • If the fuel is spilled or the container is not sealed properly, invisible vapors from the fuel can travel along the ground and be ignited by the appliance's pilot light or by arcs from electric switches.
  • Before refueling the generator, turn it off and let it cool down. Gasoline or other flammable liquids spilled on hot engine parts could ignite, and invisible vapors from the fuel can travel along the ground and be ignited by the generator's pilot light or by arcs from electric switches in the appliance.
Region of Waterloo warming and cooling centres

Warming and Cooling Centres are buildings in the Region that provide space for the public to get temporary relief from heat or cold, during regular business hours. Warming and Cooling Centres are located all over Waterloo Region, including Waterloo, Kitchener, Cambridge, North Dumfries, Wellesley, Wilmot, and Woolwich. Find a list of all locations and their operating hours here.

Emergency Preparedness Week

Every year in May, communities around Canada come together to encourage Canadians to take concrete actions to be better prepared to protect themselves and their families (and pets) during an emergency. This year Emergency Preparedness Week was May 5-11, 2024 and Cambridge focused on Flooding.

Visit the Insurance Bureau of Canada website for great tips preparing your property for flooding:

If you want to be notified of emergencies, visit AlertWR and sign up to get texts on your mobile.

Colouring and activity book

Here is the Cambridge Fire Department and Emergency Management colouring and activity book that you can print.

Are you prepared for an emergency?

City of Cambridge Emergency Management and Waterloo Region Emergency Management Office encourages communities to be prepared! 

When a natural disaster strikes, it can take first responders up to 72 hours to help those in non-critical situations. Do not wait until it is too late. Prepare your emergency kit today. 

  Emergency preparedness kit

What to put in your Emergency Preparedness Kit

Make sure your emergency kit is stocked with the items on the checklists below. Consider any unique needs your family may have, such as supplies needed for pets or seniors.

Check your kits at least every 6 months to ensure it will continue to meet your family's changing needs.

List of basic items to include in an emergency kit

List of items to add in addition to a basic emergency kit