The City of Cambridge requires dog owners to have their pet licensed each year in order to meet the rules of our Dog By-law. A license also serves as another form of identification for your dog.

If your dog has a licensed tag with the City and is lost and found, your information is available so we can reunite you with your dog quickly.

If your dog ends up in the City Pound, a free ride home may be available if your dog is:

  • Wearing a valid Cambridge City Tag
  • Not causing problems while loose
  • Not a repeat visitor to the pound

Licensing details

Dog owners in Cambridge need to register and license their dog annually. This must happen before January 1 of that year or within 30 days of becoming the owner of a dog.

When dog owners are applying for their annual license, they must provide proof that their dog has had a rabies vaccine, provided by a certified vet, within the past 2 years.

Visit the Animal Services Cambridge website for more information.