October 4, 2017 |
Construction continues on Royal Oak Road
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Royal Oak Road remains closed between Boxwood Drive and Speedsville Road. The City is working with the contractor to resolve these issues to allow the road to be fully re-opened as soon as possible.
Local access to all properties along Royal Oak Road, along with pedestrian access, will be maintained at all times.There may still be temporary lane restrictions as final clean-up continues. The contractor may be controlling traffic with flag people. Drivers are asked to drive slowly in the area near construction workers and obey all signs.
As part of the Region's King and Fountain Street project, there may be temporary lane restrictions and closures in that area. Please see the City's Road Closure page for a map showing current lane and road closures and for the link to the Region of Waterloo's Road Closure page.
Alternate Routes
Residents and commuters are being asked to take alternate routes where possible. Commuters driving throughout Waterloo Region are asked to avoid the construction area using Blair Rd, Hespeler Rd, Franklin Blvd, Highways 8 and 401, Sportsworld Dr and Maple Grove Rd. Some possible routes are shown in the commuter map.
Click the map to enlarge

Local traffic and residents in the Preston area are being asked to consider alternate routes to North Cambridge or Kitchener through Bishop St, Eagle St, Hespeler Rd, Highways 8 and 401, Sportsworld Dr and Maple Grove Rd. Some possible routes are shown in the local traffic map.
Click the map to enlarge

July 27, 2017 |
Construction continues on Royal Oak Road and the road will remain closed until mid-August. The original construction timeline had the road opening in mid-July, however due to weather delays and slower progress near the creek crossing, completion of construction has been delayed. The contractor is commited to completing the project as quickly as possible. The construction signs have been updated with revised dates for the road closure. |
June 26, 2017 |
Speedsville Road is Open
Construction continues on Royal Oak Road and the road will remain closed until mid-July. Local access to all properties along Royal Oak Road, along with pedestrian access, will be maintained at all times.There may still be temporary lane restrictions as final clean-up continues. The contractor may be controlling traffic with flag people. Drivers are asked to drive slowly in the area near construction workers and obey all signs.
June 14, 2017 |
Speedsville Road opened yesterday ahead of schedule.
There may still be temporary lane restrictions as final clean-up continues. The contractor may be controlling traffic with flag people. Drivers are asked to drive slowly in the area near construction workers and obey all signs.
As part of the Region's King Street project, the intersection of King and Eagle Streets will be closed overnight (from 9pm to 6am) from June 19th to 22nd. There will no longer be a full closure over the weekend. The signed detour route will use Region Roads (Fountain Street, Maple Grove Road, Hespeler Road and Bishop Street.) Local traffic will be able to get around the intersection using local roads, including Chopin Street, Queenston Road and Dover Street.
Construction continues on Royal Oak Road and the road will remain closed until mid-July. Local access to all properties along Royal Oak Road, along with pedestrian access, will be maintained at all times.
June 6, 2017 |
The Speedsville Road construction is ahead of schedule.
As part of the Region's King Street project, there is an upcoming full closure of the intersection of King and Eagle Streets. The closure is currently planned for June 16th to 19th and work will be completed over the weekend. The closure will start late on Friday evening and the road will reopen on Monday morning. The signed detour route will use Region Roads (Fountain Street, Maple Grove Road, Hespeler Road and Bishop Street.) Local traffic will be able to get around the intersection using local roads, including Chopin Street, Queenston Road and Dover Street.
Speedsville Road will be open ahead of the closure of the intersection of King and Eagle Streets.
Construction continues on Royal Oak Road and the road will remain closed until mid-July. Local access to all properties along Royal Oak Road, along with pedestrian access, will be maintained at all times.
May 25, 2017 |
The construction on Speedsville Road continues to be on schedule for completion in mid-June. The next phase of the project will see Royal Oak Road closed for construction as follows:
- The intersection at Speedsville Road - on or about May 25th to June 6th
- From Boxwood Drive to Speedsville Road - on or about May 25th to July 14th
Local access to all properties along Royal Oak Road, along with pedestrian access, will be maintained at all times.
In order to complete the necessary work as quickly as possible, there will be construction occurring during the weekend of May 27 to 29 and June 3 to 4, weather permitting. Cambridge Council has approved extended hours of construction on the weekends.
May 10, 2017 |
Speedsville Road Closure Update - Traffic lights removed and construction hours extended to speed up work on Speedsville Rd
City of Cambridge and Region of Waterloo staff are working together with contractors to ensure the work in all areas of Preston proceeds to completion as quickly as possible. Speedsville Rd construction is on schedule for completion for mid June.
In order to complete the necessary work as quickly as possible, the City and Region have:
- removed traffic signals and implemented left turn restrictions to improve traffic flow along King St
- gained approval by Cambridge Council to extend hours of construction on the weekend in order to speed up the work on Speedsville Rd
- committed to continue to work together with the Region to monitor traffic flow
April 25, 2017 |
Effective Monday, April 24, Speedsville Rd. has been closed between the Highway 401 bridge and Royal Oak Rd. The closure is to allow for the construction of a sanitary sewer, sanitary forcemain and watermain for the new Speedsville Road Sanitary Pumping Station. The new pumping station will support a new development in the surrounding area. Drivers are being asked to avoid the area and to plan an alternative route where possible.
The City is working with the Region of Waterloo, the developer and their contractors to minimize the length of the road closure. The necessary work is expected to be completed in eight (8) weeks.
The Speedsville Road Bridge over Highway 401 was replaced by the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) several years ago. The current construction does not involve work on the bridge but rather the sanitary forcemain and watermain for the new sanitary pumping station.
In addition to the necessary work being completed on Speedsville Rd., ongoing regional construction in the area of King St., Fountain St. and Shantz Hill Rd. continues. The City is committed to working with the Region of Waterloo to maintain two-way access to King St. and Shantz Hill Rd. throughout the project to keep traffic moving. In order to maintain traffic flow no left turns will be permitted from King St. to Eagle St.
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience, while the necessary roadwork is completed as quickly as possible.