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Stay up-to-date on City of Cambridge Road Construction projects. To learn about current Regional projects, visit the Region of Waterloo's website.
Cooper Street Reconstruction |
OverviewThe Cooper Street reconstruction project will include work on Cooper St (from Queen St E to Phin Ave), Queen St E (from Chapel St to Cooper St), and Chapel St (from Queen St E to end). The project generally includes the construction of approximately 1,000m of 200mm diameter watermain, 1,250m of 300mm to 975mm diameter storm sewer, 1,000m of 200mm and 250mm diameter sanitary sewer, 9,800m2 of asphalt roadway, 2,500m2 of concrete sidewalk, 2,000m of concrete curb and gutter and other miscellaneous works. TimelineThe planned construction start date is on or about April 21, 2025. The project will be completed over two stages, with one stage per year. Progress
Road Closures
Notice to Residents
Contact InformationMatt Holland |
Middle Block Road Sanitary Trunk Sewer Construction |
OverviewWork includes the construction of approximately 1145m of 1050mm diameter sanitary trunk sewer in Middle Block Road between Intermarket Road and Fountain Street North. TimelineRoad is scheduled to be closed on January 27, 2025 with construction starting soon afterward. The road is anticipated to be reopened in late July 2025. ProgressRoad closure scheduled for January 27, 2025. Notices to ResidentsNotice to Residents – January 20, 2025 Contact InformationAlex Nichols |
Frequently Asked Questions Re: City Construction Projects
Where can I park and how will access be maintained? |
During reconstruction, it will be necessary to close the road to all but local traffic. Access to private property will be maintained as best as possible, but it will be at your own risk as you will be traveling through a construction zone. For times when you do not have access to your property, alternative parking arrangements should be made. Overnight parking will be permitted on adjacent streets, but you will need to abide by all other existing parking restrictions (i.e. don’t block a driveway, don’t park too close to a fire hydrant, don’t park where parking is prohibited, etc.). City staff/representatives will provide more information regarding alternative parking when these situations occur. |
Will water service be impacted? |
In order to maintain your water service during reconstruction, a temporary above ground watermain will be installed. Temporary service will be connected directly at property line and will still be metered during construction. Some interruptions to your water service will occur throughout the reconstruction. All planned interruptions should be temporary and occur during normal working hours. You will be notified prior to any planned interruption in order to give you an opportunity to draw sufficient water for personal use until your water is turned back on. You should always keep a small supply of water on hand in case an unscheduled emergency shut down is required. |
What are the limits of service upgrades? |
Water and sanitary services to individual properties will be upgraded to current standards between the mains and property line during the reconstruction. Any replacement, upgrading or installation of new services on private property between the street line and the building is the responsibility of the property owner. Work on private property requires a plumbing permit application to the City’s building division, for individuals considering private side works. Additional information can be found at: |
How will my driveway be restored? |
When reconstructing the sidewalk or curb, it may be necessary to cut back some driveways to match the new grade. If this is the case, the driveway will be saw-cut, and a patch placed using the same material if possible. Impressed or coloured concrete driveways cannot be replaced to match the original, which is also the case with paving stone driveways (unless the owner has a supply of matching stones that the contractor could use). |
What if I have a landscaping or sprinkler system on the City's right of way? |
In some locations, shrubs, hedges, and fences may encroach into the City Road allowance which can be an issue when installing new infrastructure. If this is the case adjacent to your property you will be asked to relocate the garden, hedge, etc. onto your property prior to construction taking place. If you have a sprinkler system installed along the edge of the sidewalk or curb, please remove the piping prior to construction as the contractor and city will not be responsible for damages. You may have it reinstalled after construction is completed if you wish. |
How will garbage/blue box/green box collection be maintained? |
Blue box, green box and refuse collection will be maintained throughout the duration of construction. When access is restricted by construction operations, the construction crew will place the blue boxes, green boxes and refuse containers at a location accessible by the collection service on collection days. To minimize problems during construction, it would be appreciated if all refuse is bagged – yard waste in paper bags, household garbage in plastic bags. Please ensure that your address is clearly marked on your refuse containers, blue boxes and green boxes. |
What if I have special needs? |
If someone in your home has physical disabilities or special needs for access to your property, please contact the City’s project manager so that we can minimize the access restrictions where possible. |