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We embrace our shared responsibility with the First nations peoples, to take care of this Earth and its creatures; we can only do so by walking the path as partners stewarding this land as we have been given the duty together to live in balance and harmony with all living things.
We acknowledge and respect the Anishinaabe (Anishnaabeg), Chonnonton (Chun-ongk-ton) and Haudenosuanee (hoh- DEE-nohSH oh – nee) peoples who came before us and who we live amongst. By honouring this truth of past and present may we come to true reconciliation through listening, reflecting and learning.
In 2015, Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) released its findings and 94 Calls to Action to redress the residential school’s legacy and advance the reconciliation process in Canada. The Calls to Action are directed at all levels of government, the private sector and to Canadians as a whole.
The City of Cambridge is working towards the Truth & Reconciliation Calls to Action and collaborating with municipal partners in our approach.
In September 2021, council approved a report that identified our next steps in reconciliation including:
- City of Cambridge’s rental-related fees associated with use of municipal space for Indigenous cultural and ceremonial events be suspended year-round until such policy is considered by Council;
- Continue in a coordinated approach working with the inter-municipal Reconciliation Action Plan Work Group to develop a Reconciliation Action Plan
The City of Cambridge acknowledges that reconciliation is an intentional ongoing lifelong process, that requires the efforts of staff at all levels. Staff continue to work towards reconciliation through Indigenous-led learning opportunities, internal and external communication, and meaningful relationship building.
Reconciliation Action Partnership Group
The City of Cambridge is committed to reconciliation and understands that true reconciliation requires action.
By taking an active role in sharing the responsibility of reconciliation, the City of Cambridge actively participates in the Reconciliation Action Partnership group which is a collaborative group of municipal representatives working to coordinate efforts to support Indigenous-centered initiatives across Waterloo Region. Municipalities have the opportunity and responsibility to contribute to reconciliation with Indigenous communities, as this work connects land, people and governance. In addition to the RAP group, there are five RAP sub-committees working to achieve coordinated direction, based on the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and on the Calls to Justice from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
Sub-committees include:
• Heritage, Cultural Landscapes and Commemoration Sub Committee
• Communications and Events
• Honorarium and Compensation Practices
• Placekeeping and Land (Use of Space)
• Learning and Development
This work is intended to improve and enhance service delivery to Indigenous Peoples in Waterloo Region, identify changes to existing policies, programs, and processes of the City that could be implemented to eliminate barriers, develop respectful relationships with Indigenous communities to meaningfully support Indigenous-led work and build a more inclusive community and municipal workplace.
Territorial Acknowledgement |
Territorial Acknowledgment In May 2018, Council for the City of Cambridge approved adopting an Indigenous Territory Acknowledgment. Advisory Committees of Council are encouraged to include an Acknowledgement during every meeting. The Acknowledgement aims to express gratitude for the Indigenous People who have lived and worked on this land from time immemorial, long before European contact. The City’s Heritage Advisory Committee’s mandate is to serve the City on heritage related matters pursuant to the Section 28 of the Ontario Heritage Act. Why we say a Territorial Acknowledgement This acknowledgement is stated to give context to the history and continued traditions of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit populations of this land. Acknowledging that it begins before European contact and includes the Neutral (Attawandaron, pronounced “At-tah-wahn-da-ron), Anishnaabe (pronounced Ah-nish-naw-bay) and Haudenosaunee (pronounced Ho-den-noh-show-nee) peoples. We say this at the City of Cambridge to work toward reconciliation with Indigenous communities. |
Indigenous Community Use of Space |
Staff are working to make it easier for Indigenous communities to access public spaces to celebrate their culture and ceremony.
The City of Cambridge is waiving rental-related fees for using city spaces for eligible Indigenous cultural and ceremonial events.
To book space for eligible Indigenous cultural or ceremonial events, please visit the Book or Rent a Facility page. There you will find the list of locations and the Rental Request Form.
When requesting a booking, please note that the request is being for the purposes of Indigenous community usage. |
Days of Significance |
Days of Significance
Indigenous Community Resources |
Warning: these resources contain disturbing or triggering information. However, this is an important step towards learning and acknowledging our history. Indigenous Heritage Month Educational Resources
Local education system resources
Legal aid Housing supports Employment supports Community services
Wellbeing Waterloo Region |
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Educational Resources