Project Overview

The City of Cambridge has initiated an Environmental Assessment to establish a new pedestrian bridge across the Speed River in Hespeler. The bridge would link the existing Mill Run trail on the north side of the Speed River (south of Chilligo Conservation Area) and the new proposed trail on the south side of the Speed River along Queen Street W. The new trail connection to the bridge is also a part of this study.

The need for the new pedestrian bridge and proposed trail were identified in the City’s Cycling Master Plan, completed in 2020. The purpose of this Class EA is to:

  • Confirm the need for the pedestrian bridge and trail
  • Identify and evaluate the preferred location, type of pedestrian bridge and preferred alignment of the new trail connection
  • Identify the potential effects associated with the recommended solution and identify practical measures to avoid or mitigate potential negative effects

The Study will follow Schedule B of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Municipal Engineers Association, October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011, & 2015), which is an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. The MCEA process includes: consultation with agencies, stakeholders, Indigenous communities and public; an evaluation of alternative solutions to address the problem; an alternative design concepts for the preferred solution; an assessment of potential environmental impacts; and, identification of reasonable measures to mitigate any potential adverse impacts. At the conclusion of the Study, a Project File Report (PFR) will be prepared for public review.

Updates will be posted to this web page throughout the duration of the project. To receive an email when an update is posted, click subscribe at the bottom of this page.

Study Area

The Project Study Area is broadly defined as the Speed River and lands abutting the Speed River between the Mill Run trail to the north and Queen Street West to the south. The bridge and trail will provide a major off-road connection to downtown Hespeler and the Chilligo Conservation Area. The Study evaluates alternative trail routes and bridge locations with consideration for the natural, cultural, economic and technical environments, and recommends a preferred solution in consultation with the public, Indigenous communities and regulatory agencies.  An option to “do nothing” will also be considered.

The site location and approximate extent of the Study Area is shown in Figure 1 below

Study Area

 Progress to Date

  • Project initiation completed
  • Seasonal ecological analysis and field work completed
  • Stage 1 Archaeological analysis and field work completed
  • Technical studies completed
  • Public consultations completed
  • Preferred alternative has been selected
  • Project File has been finalized
  • Notice of Completion has been published
  • Review period has been completed and EA Project file closed

Upcoming Work

  • This EA is complete and no other work is currently planned.

Documents and Reports

Contact Information

Matt Holland, P. Eng
Project Engineer
City of Cambridge
Community Development
50 Dickson Street
Cambridge, ON  N1R 5W8
(519) 623-1340 Ext 4751