Our strategic plan Cambridge Connected identifies the action of “Enhancing equity and inclusion efforts”, for which we have made efforts to further acknowledge and celebrate diversity to create a vibrant and connected community.


 Social Media 
The City’s communications team works collaboratively with the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Service area to ensure that our messaging is inclusive and respectful. If you have any concerns regarding the content of our information, please contact diversity@cambridge.ca 

Community Flag Raisings and Lightings

In addition to our social media platforms, the City of Cambridge acknowledges days of significance through Community Flag Raisings and Lightings.

Community Calendar

Did you know that the City of Cambridge has a community calendar

Community members are welcome to submit community events that are open to the general public held in Cambridge and organized by not-for-profit organizations.

 Commemorative Days

The City of Cambridge is a diverse and vibrant community. We strive to acknowledge  days, weeks, months, and occasions of significance in a respectful and meaningful manner. The City looks to a variety of resources to learn about and share commemorate days, such as:


If you would like to provide feedback regarding the City’s approach to acknowledging commemorative days, please email diversity@cambridge.ca.