Project Overview

A Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) was completed in 2017 that determined the future plan for the existing Black Bridge Road heritage bridge over the Speed River and defined improvements to Black Bridge Road and Townline Road, which are located in the north Hespeler area of the City of Cambridge. Several alternatives were evaluated to address the current and future operational needs, considering all modes of travel (pedestrians, bikes, and vehicles) and included consideration of rehabilitation or replacement of the existing bridge. The preferred alternative from Class EA recommended the reuse of the heritage bridge as part of a multi-use Trail (MUT) crossing the Speed River, the construction of a new bridge structure for vehicular traffic upstream of the existing bridge, and roadway improvements to Black Bridge Road and Townline Road.

After the completion of the Class EA Study preliminary design was completed in 2020. The preliminary design took the recommended alternative and established some key aspects of the design. A Preliminary Design Report (PDR) was compiled containing all the studies, reports and drawings completed for the preliminary design.

In 2021 a consultant was retained to complete the detailed design, using the PDR as a basis for the detailed design. The detailed design is now 100% complete. The project team is working on obtaining final approvals and permits prior to the project being tendered for construction. Utility relocation work will continue in 2024.

Study Area

 Study Area

Progress to Date

  • Two public information centres (PICs) and a neighbourhood meeting were held during the Class EA.
  • A value planning workshop with the Technical Advisory Committee was also held during the Class EA.
  • Meetings with agencies and stakeholders took place throughout the Class EA process.
  • The Class EA Study recommendations were endorsed by Council in June 2016 and the Notice of Study Completion was posted for a 30-day review period.
  • Two (2) Part II Order Requests were received by MECP.
  • The Minister of MECP denied the two Part II Order Requests (links to the Minister's letter and the decision table are below) meaning the implementation of the recommended alternative could proceed, with conditions.
  • A preliminary design was completed in 2020, and a Preliminary Design Report (PDR) prepared that contains all the studies, reports and drawings from the preliminary design phase. A PIC to present the preliminary design was held in January 2020 (see ‘Public Information centre boards’ below).
  • Since 2021, a consultant retained by the City, has been completing the detailed design which is now at the 90% design stage.
  • In May 2022 an Online PIC presented the progress of the detailed design (see ‘Black Bridge Road and Townline Road Improvements |EngageWR’ below).
  • The construction budget has been approved to start in 2024.

 Next Steps

  • Obrain final approvals and permits
  • Finalize tender documents and contract package
  • Complete utility relocations (2023 into 2024).
  • Issue Tender (Q2 2024)
  • Commence Construction (Q2 2024)
  • Complete Construction (2026)

Documents and Reports

Contact Information

Mr. Scott MacDonald, P. Eng
Project Engineer
City of Cambridge
Development & Infrastructure
50 Dickson Street
Cambridge, ON  N1R 5W8
(519) 623-1340 Ext 4679