The City of Cambridge develops plans and completes reports and studies to improve and support out community now and in the future. These documents provide our staff with goals, and actions to achieve those goals. It is important to note that Plans, Reports, and Studies are used in conjunction to advance municipal policies

Why does the City issue Plans?

The City of Cambridge creates many different types of plans. Official plans, draft plans, and strategic plans are just a few examples of plans that the municipality creates or works with directly. These plans provide Council and staff with the necessary common focus, priorities, outcomes and strategies to be pursued over the short and long term.

Why does the City publish reports?

Staff at the City of Cambridge create reports as a method of communication between staff and key constituencies, such as Council, senior administration, agencies, stakeholders, and the public. These reports provide vital information and recommendations to Cambridge City Council to ensure that Council and the public have to best information on which to base current and future decisions.

Why does the City complete studies?

The City of Cambridge completes or oversees a variety of studies. Studies provide vital findings and research that is required to implement the principles and policies of Cambridge Council. Depending on the type of study, Council may adopt specific policies upon completion of this research.