Cambridge Elections


Municipal Elections

Elections for municipal government are held every four (4) years in Ontario. The City Clerk is appointed the Municipal Returning Officer (MRO) by the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, and is responsible for running municipal elections. 

With nearly 65% of Canada's core infrastructure owned, operated, and maintained by municipalities, municipal elections are your opportunity to choose who makes key decisions for you and the city.

Election Signs

Candidates for the 2022 Municipal Election were provided a Municipal Election Sign guide advising the rules around election signs. Municipal Election signs are governed in the City of Cambridge under the sign by-law and its amending by-laws. 
*An updated guide will be prepared for the 2026 Municipal Election

By-Law 191-03 is the original by-law prohibiting and regulating signs and other advertising within the City of Cambridge. Section 25 speaks directly to election signage. 

By-Law 120-10 amends the original by-law to permit the erection of election signs 45 days prior to the election date. 

By-Law 60-18 amends the original by-law in relation to the usage of election signs. 

Use of Corporate Resources During an Election

The Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (the MEA), prohibits the use of public funds and resources for any election-related purposes. Section 88.18 of the MEA states that municipalities "...shall establish rules and procedures with respect to the use of [municipal resources] during the election campaign period." In compliance with the MEA, the City of Cambridge created a Use of Corporate Resources Policy During an Election.
*An updated policy will be prepared for the 2026 Municipal Election 

Election Accessibility Plan

Under the Municipal Elections Act, the City Clerk establishes policies and procedures to ensure that all electors can fully participate in the municipal election through the preparation of an Election Accessibility Plan. The City Clerk is also responsible for preparing a post-election accessibility report that will be shared within 90 days of the regular election. 
*An updated Accessibility Plan will be prepared for the 2026 Municipal Election

For more information regarding Elections, contact the City of Cambridge's Clerks' Office:

Clerks' Office
50 Dickson Street
PO Box 669 
Cambridge, ON N1R 5W8
Telephone: (519) 623-1340, ext. 4079