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To address the results of the Cambridge Comprehensive Commercial Review, the City of Cambridge hired a consulting team to prepare a Commercial Review Implementation Study, including preparation of:
- Notice of Adoption of Official Plan Amendment No. 17
- Official Plan Amendment No. 17
- Zoning by-law amendment (incorporated into Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review)
- Terms of Reference for a Site-Specific Market Impact Study
View the following documents for more information about the Study:
The consulting team hired to develop the Study included:
- Curtis Planning Inc.
- Malone Given Parsons Ltd.
- Lehmann and Associates
Comprehensive Commercial Review
The City of Cambridge hired consulting firm Malone Given Parsons Ltd. in 2013 to complete a Comprehensive Commercial Review. Approved on December 15, 2014, this Review provides a City-wide market analysis to assess:
- Existing commercial space
- Demand for future commercial and retail development
- Current Official Plan commercial policies
- Current Zoning By-law regulations related to commercial development