Planning Partnerships - Universities and Colleges

The City of Cambridge Planning Division has developed a number of partnerships with local universities and colleges including Wilfrid Laurier University, University of Waterloo and Mohawk College.  Below are recently completed student projects:

Wilfrid Laurier University Capstone Program  

The City of Cambridge has developed a partnership with Wilfrid Laurier University to assist in a capstone program with the Geography department. This capstone program provides students with an opportunity to respond to local Planning issue and act as a consultant for the City. The students research and provide recommendations in response to a City identified project.


The 2023 Capstone course was focused on 15-Minute Neighbourhoods.

2023 Student Final Reports:


The 2022 Capstone course was focused on Affordable Housing.

2022 Student Final Reports:


The 2021 Capstone course was focused on Accessory Apartments.

2021 Student Final Reports:


The 2019 Capstone course was focused on how to implement net-zero energy developments in the Cambridge West area of the city.

2019 Student final reports:

The 2017 Capstone course was focused on the Adaptive Reuse of underutilized Places of Worship.

2017 Student presentations:

2017 Student final reports:

University of Waterloo - School of Planning - Future Visions for Can-Amera 
The City of Cambridge had developed a partnership with the University of Waterloo School of Planning where fourth-year urban design students undertake urban design studies for areas throughout the City of Cambridge. This most recent project focused on transforming the Can-Amera and Hespeler intersection. Below are the final project prepared by the students.
University of Waterloo - Graduate Students - Green Building Standards
Graduate students from the University of Waterloo explored best practices in green building standards. Below is the final presentation and report prepared by the students.