We have standards for designing, constructing and maintaining development and infrastructure in the city to ensure projects are created safely and are long lasting.

Our Engineering Standards and Development Manual provides information on the design, approval, inspection and construction of municipal infrastructure, along with standard engineering drawings.

Responses to comments and questions about the 2023 version of the manual are included in this summary table and will be incorporated into a future version of the manual, as applicable.

As noted in sections 3.3 and 3.4 of the manual, a developer/owner may wish to undertake site alteration, either grading or tree removals, ahead of final approvals and/or agreements. These works may be allowed under the Site Alteration By-law 23-103.  An application for a site alteration permit, along with supporting information can be submitted to engineering@cambridge.ca

Questions regarding the Engineering Standards and Development Manual can be submitted to the City by emailing engineering@cambridge.ca

In addition to our manual, all work within the Region of Waterloo must conform to the Design Guidelines and Supplemental Specifications for Municipal Services (DGSSMS). The DGSSMS was created in partnership with the Region and other local municipalities and includes design standards, material specifications and construction specifications for storm sewers, sanitary sewers and watermain.

The City of Cambridge Tracer Wire & Corrosion Protection Specification was prepared as guidance and to meet the requirements of the City of Cambridge in regard to the installation of tracer wire and corrosion protection measures on City-owned buried infrastructure. Over time it will be necessary to update this specification as design practices and new technologies continue to evolve and change.


Last updated: September 22, 2023