All Current Development Applications, along with a description of the application,  materials submitted by the Applicant,  Staff Recommendation Reports and information on Public Meetings and Council Meetings are listed below:  


R04/24 – 10 & 20 Guelph Avenue

The City has received a Zoning By-law Amendment Application for the lands at 10 & 20 Guelph Avenue (“subject lands”).

Zoning By-law Amendment

The Zoning By-law Amendment is requested to add a site-specific provision to the existing Industrial – M3 zone to permit an instructional indoor golf facility use. A site-specific provision is also requested for a minimum parking requirement of one (1) parking space per tee and a minimum two (2) parking spaces for employees for a total of 11 parking spaces. A total of 9 tees is proposed within the existing building.

Currently, the lands are zoned Industrial - M3 and does not permit commercial-recreational uses, including an instructional indoor golf facility. No exterior changes are proposed to the existing building and site. A western portion of the lands are zoned Open Space – OS1 and will remain unchanged.

The lands are designated Hespeler Village Core Area in the City of Cambridge Official Plan.

The following materials have been submitted in support of the application:

SUBMISSION #1 – September 2024 

  1. Planning Justification Brief
  2. Location Map (provided as part of the Planning Justification Brief)
  3. Conceptual Floor Plan
  4. Section 59 Notice

Statutory Public Meeting:  October 15, 2024 @ 6:30pm in Council Chambers.

Council Meeting: November 5, 2024 @ 6:30pm in Council Chambers.

Staff Contact: Vincent Wen,            

*Those who wish to speak at a Public Meeting or Council Meeting can register at the following link:

 OR03/24 - 36 Elliott Street

The City has received Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application for the lands at 36 Elliott Street.

Original Application

The Official Plan and Zoning by-law Amendment would facilitate the development of a six unit, two storey apartment house with a basement level. Private amenity space is proposed in the side yard. The project aims to accommodate surface parking for 8 vehicles from Elliott Street. The proposed development has a Floor Space Index (FSI) of 0.47 and a density of 61 units per hectare.  


Official Plan Amendment

The lands are designated as Low/Medium Density in the City’s Official Plan. The Official Plan Amendment is requested to establish a site-specific policy to permit a maximum density of 61 units per hectare. 


Zoning By-law Amendment

The Zoning By-law Amendment is requested to rezone the lands from “Residential – R4” to “Multiple Residential – RM3” with the following site-specific regulations

  • To permit a minimum required lot frontage of 15.3 metres (existing), whereas 30 metres is required;

To permit a minimum required interior side yard setback of 2.5 metres whereas 3 metres is required;

The following materials have been submitted in support of the application:

SUBMISSION #1 – August 2024

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Addendum Cover Letter
  3. Concept Plan
  4. Floor Plans and Elevations
  5. Landscape Plan
  6. Truck Turning Plan
  7. Site Lighting Plan
  8. Planning Justification Report
  9. Archaeological Assessment

10. Ministry Acknowledgement Letter for Archaeological Assessment

11. Grading, Servicing, Erosion and Sediment Control Plan

12. Stormwater Management Report

13. Risk Management Plan

14. Section 59 Notice


Statutory Public Meeting:  October 15, 2024 @ 6:30pm in Council Chambers.

Council Meeting: December 3, 2024 @ 6:30pm in Council Chambers.

Staff Contact: Vincent Wen, 


*Those who wish to speak at a Public Meeting or Council Meeting can register at the following link:


R03/24 – 655 Wesley Boulevard

The City has received a Zoning Bylaw Amendment application for a portion of the lands at 655 Wesley Boulevard (“subject lands”).

Zoning By-law Amendment

The Zoning By-Law Amendment is requested to rezone the subject lands from Residential (H)R4 to Multiple Residential RM4 with site-specific regulations that will permit a maximum building height of 3 storeys for single detached dwellings and a maximum building height of 4 storeys for townhouse dwellings consistent with the existing zoning permissions for the adjacent development lands in the plan of subdivision.

Proposed Development

The subject lands are a remnant parcel of land created through the final alignment of the East Boundary Road/Wesley Boulevard roundabout. The subject lands are currently owned by the City of Cambridge; however, it is anticipated that they will ultimately be conveyed to 2599745 Ontario Inc. to be consolidated Block 7 of the adjacent South Point subdivision (30T-13103).

Given that the Subject Lands are proposed to be merged with Block 7 of South Point subdivision a Zoning By-law Amendment application has been submitted to rezone the subject lands to be consistent with the existing zoning permissions of Block 7 in the adjacent plan of subdivision.

The following materials have been submitted in support of the application and are currently under review by staff and agencies:

SUBMISSION #1 – May 2024

Statutory Public Meeting:  August 13, 2024@ 6:30 pm in Council Chambers

Staff Contact: Jacqueline Hannemann,

 R01/23 - Part of 1065 Speedsville Road

The City has received a Zoning By-law Amendment Application for the lands at 1065 Speedsville Rd. 

Zoning By-law Amendment

Original Submission:  The lands are designated as High Density Residential with a site-specific policy 8.10 A and B in the City’s Official Plan which permits residential apartment dwellings and mixed-use development to a maximum height of 4 storeys. The lands are currently zoned (H)RM3/CS5 s.4.1.303B which permits multiple residential and commercial uses. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to amend the existing site-specific provisions to a new site-specific mixed-use provision “RM3/CS5 (S.4.1.303B)-XX” Zone to permit an increase in density as well as reduced setbacks and visitor parking requirements.

This application is to facilitate the development of a four (4) storey apartment building containing 465 dwelling units with a density of 200 units per hectare. A total of 535 parking spaces are proposed within a primarily underground parking structure and some surface parking internal to the site. There are two access driveways provided by the Equestrian Way. Common outdoor amenity area and private balconies are also proposed.

Revised Submission: The application has been revised  and is further proposing to amend the existing site-specific provisions to a new site-specific mixed-use provision “RM3/CS5 (S.4.1.303B)-XX” Zone to also permit an increase in density from 75 units per hectare to 100 units per hectare for cluster townhouses to permit a stacked townhouse development with 220 dwelling units. 

The proposed parking is located to the rear of the proposed street-facing buildings. The previously proposed parking reduction has been removed from the revised application.

The following materials have been submitted in support of the application and are currently under review by staff and agencies:

SUBMISSION #1 (Original) - January 2023

SUBMISSION #2 (Revised) - May 2024

Statutory Public Meeting 1:  April 4, 2023 @ 6:30p.m. in Council Chambers

Statutory Public Meeting 2:  August 13, 2024 @ 6:30p.m. in Council Chambers

Council Meeting: TBD

Staff Contact: Sancy Sebastian,

*Those who wish to speak at a Public Meeting or Council Meeting can register at the following link:

OR05/24 – 1045 and 1085 Main Street  

The City has received Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application for the lands at 1045 and 1085 Main Street.

Official Plan Amendment

The Official Plan Amendment is requested to permit the development of a larger apartment block on 1045 and 1085 Main Street. The applicant is proposing a height of 16 storeys (whereas a maximum height of 14 storeys is permitted); and a Floor Space Index of 2.7 (whereas an FSI of 2.2 is permitted) within the current land use designation.

Zoning By-law Amendment

The Zoning By-Law Amendment is requested to increase the height of the proposed building 16 storeys (whereas a maximum height of 14 storeys is permitted); and increase the permitted density of the Block to 220 units per hectare (whereas 150 units per hectare is permitted). Even with the proposed increase to height, building footprint and number of units, no other zoning requirements need to be amended to allow for the increased number of units. The required number of parking spaces, landscaped open space and amenity area which already and continue to adhere to the existing requirements under the RM3 zone without any variances.

Associated Draft Plan of Subdivision

A modification request to the previously approved Draft Plan of Subdivision 30T-20104 has been submitted to the Region of Waterloo as the approval authority of Draft Plans of Subdivisions should the above applications be approved, the draft plan would be modified to increase the number of units in the apartment building 132 to 191; and the total number of units from 210 to 269.

Proposed Development

The Official Plan and Zoning by-law amendments would facilitate the development of a 16 storey 191 unit apartment building on Block 8 of draft plan of subdivision 30T-20104. The site proposes 239 parking spaces for residents and visitors. 

The following materials have been submitted in support of the application and are currently under review by staff and agencies:

SUBMISSION #1 – May 2024

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Preliminary Site Plan
  3. Preliminary Parking Plan
  4. Draft Plan of Subdivision
  5. Planning Justification Report
  6. Preliminary Servicing Report
  7. Updated Water Distribution Analysis
  8. Updated Sanitary Sewer Capacity Analysis
  9. Contaminated Sites Screening
  10. Section 59 Notice

Statutory Public Meeting:  June 18, 2024@ 6:30 pm in Council Chambers

Staff Contact: Jacqueline Hannemann,

OR07/24 – 245 Riverbank Drive   

The City has received Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application for the lands at 245 Riverbank Drive

Official Plan Amendment

The Official Plan Amendment is requested to re-designate the lands to from Rural Residential to Low/Medium Density Residential with Site Specific Policy. The Site Specific Policy would permit a density of 55 units per hectare on the subject lands; whereas the Low/Medium Density Residential designation permits a density of up to 40 units per hectare.

Zoning By-law Amendment

The Zoning By-Law Amendment is requested to rezone portions of the subject lands from RR2, OS1 and (E)A1 to RM3 to permit the development of row houses and stacked townhouses.

In addition, two site-specific exceptions are requested to allow:

1) a density of 55 units per hectare, whereas 40 units per hectare is currently permitted, and;

2) a maximum number of 8 attached one-family dwelling units are permitted, whereas 6 attached one-family dwelling units is currently permitted.

Proposed Development

The Official Plan and Zoning by-law amendments would facilitate the development of 109 townhouse units, associated parking, private internal roads and amenity area.   

The following materials have been submitted in support of the application and are currently under review by staff and agencies:

SUBMISSION #1 – May 2024

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Preliminary Site Concept Plan
  3. Planning Justification Report
  4. Urban Design Brief
  5. Preliminary Servicing Report
  6. Preliminary Site Servicing Plan
  7. Preliminary Stormwater Management Report
  8. Preliminary Site Grading Plan
  9. Transportation Impact Study
  10. Scoped Environmental Impact Study and Tree Management Plan
  11. Noise Study
  12. Contaminated Sites Screening
  13. Section 59 Notice

Statutory Public Meeting:  June 18, 2024@ 6:30 pm in Council Chambers

Staff Contact: Jacqueline Hannemann,

OR02/24 - 247 Lowther Street North  

The City has received Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application for the lands at 247 Lowther Street North.

Original Application

The Official Plan and Zoning by-law amendment would facilitate the development of three stacked townhouse dwellings, spanning 3 to 3.5 storeys, facing Lowther Street North and Laurel Street. A communal outdoor space for residents is proposed at the junction of Lowther Street North and Laurel Street. The project aims to accommodate 54 stacked townhouse dwelling units, with surface parking for 60 vehicles accessible from Lowther Street. The proposed development has a Floor Space Index (FSI) of 0.74 and a density of 90 units per hectare. 

Official Plan Amendment

The Official Plan Amendment is requested to designate the entirety of the subject lands from “Business Industrial” to “Low/Medium Density Residential” with additional site specific policy to permit a maximum density of 90 units per hectare. The subject lands are also located in the Regeneration Area of the City Official Plan.

Zoning By-law Amendment

The Zoning By-law Amendment is requested to rezone the lands from “Business Industrial – M5” to “Multiple Residential – RM3” with the following site-specific regulations

  • To allow a maximum density of 90 units per hectare whereas a maximum density of 75 units per hectare is permitted;
  • To permit a minimum required front yard of 4.5 metres, whereas 6 metres is required;
  • To permit a minimum required interior side yard setback of 3 metres whereas 7.5 metres is required;
  • To permit a minimum required exterior side yard setback of 3 metres whereas 6 metres is required;
  • To permit a minimum gross floor area of 42 square metres for one-bedroom units whereas 50 square metres is required;
  • To permit a minimum common amenity area requirement of 15 square metres per unit whereas 30 square metres per unit is required; and,
  • To permit a minimum parking rate of 1.1 spaces per unit (1.0 spaces per residential unit, 0.1 spaces for visitor) whereas a minimum of 1.25 spaces per unit or a minimum of 68 parking spaces are required.

The following materials have been submitted in support of the application and are currently under review by staff and agencies: 

SUBMISSION #1 April 2024  

  1. Architectural Drawing 

  2. Urban Design Brief 

  3. Planning Justification Report 

  4. Cover Letter 

  5. Preliminary Site Plan 

  6. Heritage Impact Assessment Report 

  7. Preliminary Servicing Report 

  8. Contaminated Sites Screening 

  9. Ministry Acknowledgement Letter for Archaeological Report 

  10. Noise Feasibility Study 

  11. Pre-Consultation Comments 

  12. Parking Study 

  13. Stage 1 and 2 Archaeological Impact Assessments

  14. Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 

  15. Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment 

  16. Supplemental Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment 

Revised Application

As part of the second submission, revisions were made to add/update site-specific regulations in the Zoning By-law Amendment:

  • To permit a minimum common amenity area requirement of 11.4 square metres per unit whereas 30 square metres per unit is required;
  • To reduce the minimum planting strip width from 1.5 metres to 0.5 metres along a small section of the interior side lot line due to an internal drive aisle;
  • To permit a minimum required width of a parking stall (not including barrier free stalls) of 2.75 metres, whereas a minimum stall width of 2.9 metres is required; and,
  • To permit a minimum parking rate of 1.2 spaces per unit (1.0 spaces per residential unit, 0.2 spaces for visitor) whereas a minimum of 1.25 spaces per unit or a minimum of 68 parking spaces are required.

SUBMISSION #2 – June 2024 

  1. Response to City of Cambridge Compiled Comments

Statutory Public Meeting:  June 18, 2024 and June 25, 2024

Council Meeting: August 6, 2024 @ 6:30pm in Council Chambers.

Staff Contact: Vincent Wen,            

*Those who wish to speak at a Public Meeting or Council Meeting can register at the following link:

OR08/23 – 201 Water St. S and 66 Highman Ave

The City of Cambridge has received new development applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment for 201Water St. S. and 66 Highman Ave.

The applicant is proposing a residential apartment development with a total of 330 dwelling units within 3 residential towers situated atop a unified 3 storey podium. Two of the towers are proposed to be 13 storeys in height and one is proposed to be 9 storeys in height.

In order to facilitate this development, an Official Plan Amendment is requested to redesignate the entirety of the Subject Lands from “Low/Medium Density Residential” and “Natural Open Space System” to “Medium-High Density Residential” with additional site-specific policy change to permit a Floor Space Index of 3.0.

Additionally, a Zoning By-law Amendment is requested to rezone the lands from “Open Space - OS1” and “Residential - R4” to “Multiple- Residential - RM2” with site specific provisions to permit an increased density of 219 units per hectare.

A statutory public meeting has been scheduled for March 5, 2024. A Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting has been circulated to property owners within a 120 metre radius of the subject property and has been published in The Record.

Should you have any questions regarding the application, please contact Jacqueline Hannemann, Senior Planner – Development at

Supporting Documents:

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Planning Justification Report
  3. Hydrogeological Assessment
  4. Heritage Impact Assessment
  5. Land Use Compatibility Study
  6. Traffic Impact Study Report
  7. Preliminary Stormwater Management Report
  8. Preliminary Servicing Report
  9. Provisional Risk Management Plan
  10. Notice of Agreement on Risk Management Plan
  11. Notice of Source Protection Plan Compliance
  12. Source Water Protection Potential Contaminated Study
  13. Geotechnical Investigation
  14. Urban Design Brief and Viewshed Analysis
  15. Floor Plans
  16. Site Plan & Site Data Chart
  17. Shadow Study
  18. Pedestrian Level Wind Study
  19. Environmental Impact Study
  20. Tree Management Report
  21. Traffic Noise Feasibility Study
  22. Consultant Statutory Declaration
  23. Stationary Noise Assessment
  24. Phase One Environmental Site Assessment
  25. Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment

2nd Submission:

  1. Cover Letter for Second Submission
  2. Planning Justification Report Addendum
  3. Revised Final Hydrogeological Assessment
  4. Revised Source Water Protection Study
  5. Traffic Impact Study Report
  6. Water Street View from Highman House - Summer
  7. Water Street View from Highman House - Winter
  8. Water Street Views from Highman Avenue
  9. Architectural Plans
  10. Preliminary Servicing Report
  11. Preliminary Stormwater Management Report

OR08/20 & Draft Plan of Subdivision - 30T-21101 – River Mill Phase 4

1455 Speedsville Road, 1285 Speedsville Road and a portion of 800 Briardean Rd and unaddressed lands located at the northeast corner of Speedsville Rd and Equestrian Way

The City has received Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application for the lands at 1455 Speedsville Road, 1285 Speedsville Road and a portion of 800 Briardean Rd and unaddressed lands located at the northeast corner of Speedsville Rd and Equestrian Way.

Original Development Proposal:

The applicant is proposing to develop the land for a new residential community.  Higher density residential land uses are proposed to front along Speedsville Road.  Lower and medium density residential uses are proposed within the interior of the development area.  A mixed-use area is proposed at the intersection of Speedsville Road and Equestrian Way.  One Municipal Park and Refinements to the boundaries of the open space areas also proposed.  In total, approximately 1,864 dwelling units are proposed.   

The majority of the lands were subject to previous land use planning approvals in 2015 for an adult lifestyle community.  Since the initial approval, the applicant has acquired additional lands located at 800 Briardean Road and 1285 Speedsville Road.  The applicant is proposing to modify the original land use approvals and designate and zone the additional properties for development. 

In order to permit this proposal, the applicant has submitted a Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment as described below:

Draft Plan of Subdivision

The Draft Plan of Subdivision 30T-21101 has been submitted to the Region of Waterloo (as the approval authority of Draft Plans of Subdivisions).  The draft plan shows the overall layout of the development including the size and shape of the development blocks and road pattern.  In total, 29 Blocks are proposed for a variety of uses including high, medium and lower density residential development, mixed use development, a public municipal park, open space blocks that are to retain the natural heritage features and blocks for new roads and road dedications.

Official Plan Amendment

The Official Plan Amendment is required to redesignate portions of the subject lands from  the existing ‘Hunt Club Estates (Apartment Block)’ policies with new ‘River Mill Community (Mixed Use Main Street)’ policies to permit the development of a mixed-use area with a maximum height of 10 storeys,  redesignate the existing ‘Hunt Club Estates (Adult Lifestyle Community)’ policies with new ‘River Mill Community (Apartment Block)’ policies to permit the development of high density residential (apartment) uses with transitional medium density residential (cluster row house) uses; and add a new River Mill Community (Neighbourhood)’ policy to permit a full range of residential uses with a maximum height of 6 storeys and maximum residential density target of 50 units per hectare (measured across the entirety of the area).

Zoning By-law Amendment

The Zoning By-Law Amendment is requested to modify the existing zoning of the lands with site specific permissions for a variety of residential and mixed use land uses.  In general, the amendments propose site specific standards for:

  • Increased building heights (10 storeys maximum)
  • Increased density
  • Decreased amenity and landscaping requirements
  • Decreased setbacks
  • Increased lot coverage

The following materials have been submitted in support of the application and are currently under review by staff and agencies:


Current Development Proposal:

The applicant has resubmitted the proposal that continues to include higher density residential land uses along Speedsville Road with medium and lower density residential land uses proposed within the interior of the development area.  A mixed-use area is proposed at the intersection of Speedsville Road and Equestrian Way.

One municipal park and a new school site are planned through this development.  Refinements to the boundaries of the open space areas are also proposed. 

In total, approximately 1,706-2,045 dwelling units are planned through the resubmitted proposal.   

The updated proposal includes the following:

Draft Plan of Subdivision

The updated draft plan shows 30 Blocks that include high, medium and low density residential uses with mixed use blocks at the intersection of Speedsville Road and Equestrian Way.  In addition, a new school site school site has been proposed.  The applicant continues to propose a public municipal park and open space blocks that are to retain the natural heritage features along with blocks for new roads and road dedications.

Official Plan Amendment

The Official Plan Amendment is required to redesignate portions of the subject lands from  the existing ‘Hunt Club Estates (Apartment Block)’ policies with new ‘River Mill Community (Mixed Use Main Street)’ policies to permit the development of a mixed-use area with a maximum height of 8 storeys,  redesignate the existing ‘Hunt Club Estates (Adult Lifestyle Community)’ policies with new ‘River Mill Community (Apartment Block)’ policies to permit the development of high density residential (apartment) uses with transitional medium density residential (cluster row house) uses; and add a new River Mill Community (Neighbourhood)’ policy to permit a full range of residential uses with a maximum height of 6 storeys and maximum residential density target of 50 units per hectare (measured across the entirety of the area).

Zoning By-law Amendment

The Zoning By-Law Amendment is requested to modify the existing zoning of the lands with site specific permissions for a variety of residential and mixed use land uses.  In general, the amendments propose site specific standards for:

  • Increased building heights (8 storeys maximum)
  • Increased density
  • Decreased setbacks
  • Increased lot coverage

Submission #2

Statutory Public Meeting:  September 25, 2021 @ 6:30 pm in Council Chambers

Council Meeting: October 8, 2024 @ 5:30 pm in Council Chambers

Staff Contact: Melissa Mohr,                   

R02/21 - 155 Equestrian Way

Proposed zoning by-law amendment to permit a 190 unit residential mixed use development.  The proposed development comprises a mix of townhouses, stacked townhouses, back-to-back townhouses and a two commercial mixed use buildings.


OR02/20 - 102 Spruce Street

The applicant is proposing to demolish the existing home on site and build a six unit residential building (semi-detached triplex). The building is planned to be two storeys in height and access is proposed off of Spruce Street. Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments are required to increase the maximum density of the Official Plan and to permit the semi-detached triplex use in the Zoning By-law. It is anticipated that the property will be subject to a future severance application.

The following materials were submitted in support of the application and are currently under review by staff and agencies and may be subject to future changes (PDF format):

OR03/20 - 61-69 Ainslie Street S

The applicant proposes to modify the (F)C1RM1 S.4.2.4 zoning on the property to permit the development of the property, through the site plan review process, with a mixed use development with a five to seven storey podium plus two towers (15 & 20 storeys in height).  The proposal is for 794 m2 (8,546 ft2) of ground floor commercial with 392 residential units.  That applicant proposes 318 parking spaces (including 13 spaces shared as commercial and visitor parking spaces).  The property owner has submitted applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments to facilitate the proposed development.

The Official Plan Amendment is required for increase in:

-       Maximum permitted density from 2.5 FSI (Floor Space Index) to 4.4 FSI;

-       Maximum permitted height of 15 storeys for a portion of the site where a maximum height of 28 m (92 ft.) is permitted; and,

-       Maximum permitted height of 20 storeys for a portion of the site where a maximum height of 28 m (92 ft.) is permitted.


The applicant has proposed site specific zoning provisions for:

-       Maximum density of 601 units per hectare;

-       Minimum exterior side yard of 1.0 metre (3.2 ft.);

-       Minimum interior side yard of 0 metres;

-       Minimum rear yard of 1.5 metres (5 ft.);

-       Maximum building height 65 metres (213 ft.) for a portion of the Site where a maximum height of 21 m (69 ft.) is permitted;

-       Maximum building height of 55 metres (180 ft.) for a portion of the Site where a maximum height of 21 m (69 ft.) is permitted;

-       Minimum parking rate of 0.78 spaces per dwelling unit where a rate of 1 space per unit is required;

-       Minimum number of parking spaces for the commercial component shall be 13 spaces which can be shared with visitors of the residential dwelling units; and,

-       An area greater than 300 m2 (3,229 ft2) but less than 430 m2 (4,628 ft2) of gross leasable commercial floor area shall be permitted for neighbourhood grocery stores, neighbourhood variety stores, any retail commercial establishment.

The following reports submitted in support of the development application are currently under review by staff and agencies and may be subject to future changes (PDF format):

R90/20 - 95 East Street

A new application has been received to accommodate for the future redevelopment of the lands to permit the construction of three, single-detached dwellings at 95 East Street. The applicant is proposing to rezone the property from Institutional (N1) to Residential (R4) in order to accommodate for the future redevelopment and subsequent planning applications.

The applicant has proposed site specific zoning provisions for:

  • Reduced lot frontage for proposed retained lot
  • Reduced exterior side yard setback for proposed retained lot
  • Reduced lot frontage for proposed severed lot #1
  • Reduced lot frontage for proposed severed lot #2

A formal Public Meeting will be scheduled at a later date.

The following reports submitted in support of the development application are currently under review by staff and agencies and may be subject to future changes (PDF format):

R03/19 - 151 Main Street

The applicant proposes to add a two storey addition to an existing four storey residential apartment building which will increase the number of units by 40 from 78 to 118. The height will increase from four storeys to six and there will be a reduction in the parking and amenity space. Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments will be required should this application be approved.

The applicant proposes amendments to the Official Plan to permit:

  • An increase in height from the permitted five storeys to six storeys
  • An increase in density from 2.0 FSI to 2.06 FSI

The applicant proposes site specific zoning provisions for:

  • A reduction in the number of parking spaces
  • A reduction in the amount of amenity space
  • An increase in height from four storeys to six storeys
  • An increase in density from 250 units per hectare to 385 units per hectare

The following reports submitted in support of the development applications are currently under review by staff and agencies and may be subject to future changes (PDF format):

The public meeting was held by the Planning and Development Committee on November 12, 2019. An additional Liaison Committee Meeting was held on February 12, 2020, with the final Liaison Committee Meeting that was held on January 14, 2020. A larger neighbourhood meeting was held following the Liaison Committee Meeting on January 14, 2020 in order to collect more feedback from the community. 

The remainder of the East Side Lands (Stage 1)

The City has initiated an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit new large-lot employment uses for the remainder of the East Side Lands (Stage 1). For more information on the East Side Lands, see the Region of Waterloo Growth Management page.

A public meeting was held by Planning and Development Committee on June 11, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Historic Council Chambers City Hall at 46 Dickson Street, Cambridge.



East Side Lands


OR14/21 - 180 Groh Avenue

Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications have been received to permit development of a vacant brownfield site for a stacked townhouse development. The proposal includes:

 •             Maximum of 288 residential units within 12 townhouse blocks

•             Total of 518 surface parking spaces

•             Maximum building height of 3.5 storeys

The Official Plan Amendment seeks to re-designate the property from Business Industrial/ Employment Corridor to High Density Residential to permit the stacked townhouse development.

The subject lands currently have split zoning with the northern portion of the lands zoned M3 General Industrial and the southern portion zoned M2 General Industrial (with no outdoor storage).

The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject lands RM3 (Multiple Residential) to permit the stacked townhouse development. The following site-specific provisions have been requested:

•     Increase in density from 40 units per hectare to a maximum density of 75 units per hectare

•     Reduced parking rate from 1.25 spaces per dwelling unit to 1.2 spaces per unit (includes visitor parking)

•     Reduced setback from 6m from the window of a habitable room window to an access driveway, aisle, parking lot or stall to a minimum setback of 4.5m

The proposed amendment also established an (H) Holding provision on the subject lands to be removed upon approval of a Record of Site Condition and receipt of a letter of acknowledgement from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change.

The following materials were submitted in support of the application and are currently under review by staff and agencies and may be subject to future changes (PDF):

OR12/21 - 840 and 940 Main Street and 345 Franklin Boulevard (Taylor Lands)

Development applications have been received for 840 and 940 Main Street and 345 Franklin Boulevard including an Official Plan Amendment, a Zoning By-law Amendment and a Plan of Subdivision.  The Official Plan Amendment seeks to redesignate the subject lands as High Density Residential, Recreation, Cemetery and Open Space and refine the boundaries of the Natural Open Space System designation.  The Zoning By-law Amendment seeks to zone the subject lands RM3, OS4 and OS1. Site specific regulations for the RM3 zone are requested related to maximum density and setbacks in order to permit the orderly development of the multiple residential blocks.

The proposal includes the development of the southerly 14.2 hectares of the subject lands with a residential Plan of Subdivision.  The Plan of Subdivision would include five blocks for multiple residential development and a future development block, two stormwater management blocks, trail connections, a public park and a new road connected to Main Street.  The Plan of Subdivision proposes a total of 829 units.

The subject lands are located to the northeast of the roundabout at Main Street and Franklin Boulevard and include four separate parcels of land with a total area of 24.84 hectares (61.38 acres). The subject lands are presently vacant and include and natural features.

A date for the statutory public meeting has been postponed (originally scheduled for April 19, 2022).  The meeting was postponed so the applicant and City staff can discuss the proposal in more detail.  Once a Public Meeting date has been confirmed a Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting will be circulated to homeowners within a 120 metre radius of the property.

Should you have any questions regarding the application, please contact Jacqueline Hannemann, Senior Planner - Development at

Supporting Documents:


OR02/22 - 200 Dundas Street South

The City of Cambridge has received development applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment at 200 Dundas St. S.  proposing to develop the property with a five (5) storey mixed-use building consisting 3 commercial units on the ground floor and 40 dwelling units above the ground floor on Floors 2 to 5. A total of 10 dwelling units per floor is being proposed with five (5) one-bedroom plus den units and five (5) two-bedroom units on each floor. Common amenity space for the proposed residential units is located in the basement of the proposed development, which includes a games room, gym, and party room. The proposed development includes 69 parking spaces with one (1) level of underground parking (33 spaces) and 36 surface parking spaces.

The Official Plan Amendment is proposed to redesignate the lands to High Density Residential to permit a maximum density of 136 dwelling units per hectare.  The Zoning By-law Amendment is proposed to rezone the subject property from ‘C2’ to ‘C2RM3’ with the following Site-Specific Exceptions:

  • Permit the use of a ground floor Shopping Centre (defined as three or more commercial units in the Cambridge Zoning By-Law) on the subject property;
  • Permit a minimum front yard setback of 3.0 metres, whereas the Zoning By-Law requires a setback of 6.0 metres;
  • Permit a maximum density of 136 units per hectare, whereas the Zoning By-Law requires a maximum of 75 units per hectare;
  • Permit a minimum interior side yard setback of 3.0 metres, whereas the Zoning By-Law requires 7.5 metres;
  • Permit a minimum landscaped open space of 28.7%, whereas the Zoning By-Law requires 30.0%;
  • Permit a reduce parking rate of 4.3  spaces per 100 m2 of gross leasable commercial floor area  for the proposed ground floor Shopping Centre component, whereas the Zoning By-Law requires a parking rate of 5.0 spaces per 100 m2 of gross leasable commercial floor area, and;
  • Permit a maximum of one commercial unit having a maximum commercial gross leasable area of 160 square metres for a Restaurant use.

The subject property is approximately 2,962.0 square metres (31,882 square feet) in area with 60.25 metres (197 feet) of frontage on Dundas Street South. It is located approximately 110 metres northwest of the Dundas Street South and Franklin Boulevard intersection/roundabout.  The subject property currently features a two (2) storey vacant building and a surface parking lot. Shrubbery currently exists along the western, eastern and southern perimeter of the subject property.

A date for the statutory public meeting has been scheduled for May 31, 2022 and a Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting will be circulated to  property owners within a 120 metre radius of the subject property.

Should you have any questions regarding the application, please contact Jacqueline Hannemann, Senior Planner – Development at

Supporting Documents:

R06/22 - 1500 Kossuth Road - City Initiated Temporary Use Zoning By-law Amendment


The City of Cambridge has initiated consideration of a temporary use zoning by-law amendment for 1500 Kossuth Rd.  The proposed use being considered through this amendment is a commercial-recreational operation (outdoor paintball).  A statutory public meeting is being held on May 17, 2022 to introduce the amendment and receive input from the public.  

 For more information, please contact Bryan Cooper, Senior Planner, at


OR04/22 -149 Ainslie St. N

The City of Cambridge has received development applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment at 149 Ainslie Street North.  The site is currently developed with a two-storey office building and associated surface parking. The existing building is intended to be demolished. The applicant is proposing the development of an eight storey building with 104 residential units, including both one and two bedroom units. The proposed development would contain 104 structured parking spaces provided internally to the building within the first two storeys. The development has a proposed Floor Space Index (FSI) of 5.0.

There is a rooftop amenity space proposed above the parking area for tenant use. A second outdoor amenity area is proposed facing Market Street above the sixth storey. This space would be been created through the stepping back of the 7th and 8th storeys at the northeast corner of the proposed building. Street level amenity space is also provided in the form of a wide pedestrian promenade and a courtyard surrounding the primary pedestrian access to the building. There is indoor shared amenity space proposed and each of the residential units propose to have private balconies.

The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment is to permit a Floor Space Index (FSI) of 5.0 rather than 2.5 as currently permitted.

The Zoning By-law Amendment proposes the following site specific regulations to the current (F)C1RM1 zoning category:

  • A maximum density of 377 units per hectare whereas a maximum density of 250 units per hectare is permitted;
  • A maximum FSI of 5.0, whereas the by-law does not currently include a maximum FSI;
  • A minimum front yard requirement of 1.0 metres; whereas 4.5 metres are required;
  • A minimum interior side yard requirement of 1.0 metres; whereas the current by-law requires up to 12.0 metres depending on building height;
  • A minimum rear yard requirement of 1.0 metres; whereas the current by-law requires up to 12.0 metres depending on building height;
  • A minimum amenity area of 20 square metres per unit; whereas the current zoning requires 20 square metres for each 1 bedroom unit and 30 square metres for each two bedroom unit;
  • A minimum landscape area of 25%; whereas the zoning requires a minimum landscape area of 30%; and
  • A minimum loading space requirement of 0 loading spaces, whereas currently 1 loading space is required.

A date for the statutory public meeting has been scheduled for June 28, 2022. A Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting will be circulated to  property owners within a 120 metre radius of the subject property and will be posted in the Cambridge Times.

Should you have any questions regarding the application, please contact Jacqueline Hannemann, Senior Planner – Development at

OR07/20 - 932 Eagle Street North

The City has received Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendment applications for 932 Eagle Street North File No. OR07/20.

The Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments will facilitate the development of the subject property with fifteen (15) stacked townhouse units with a maximum building height of two and a half storeys (2 ½), and will include 20 surface parking spaces. The existing house and shed are proposed to be demolished.

Official Plan Amendment:

An Official Plan Amendment is proposed to re-designate the lands from low/medium density residential to high density residential to increase the permitted density on the subject lands. The proposed density is 83.3 units per hectare whereas the Official Plan currently permits a maximum of 40 units per hectares on the subject site.

Zoning By-law Amendment:

The subject lands are currently zoned R5 (Residential) which currently permits a single detached dwelling and accessory uses. The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject lands RM3 (Multiple Residential) to permit the higher density residential use. The following site-specific provisions have been requested:

• Increase density from 40 units per hectare to of 83.3 units per hectare

• Reduce front yard setback from 6m to 4.5m

• Reduce interior side yard setback from 7.5m to 2.5m

• Reduce minimum landscaping from 30% to 18%

• Reduce minimum common amenity area from 30 square metres per unit to 0 (private amenity area is provided)

• Reduce planting strip width from 1.5m to 1.2m

The tenure of the proposed units has not yet been determined.

A public meeting will be scheduled for a future date.

The following submission documents can be viewed by clicking the links below:

OR08/22 - 725 & 775 Main Street

The City has received a new development application for the Subject Lands.

The proposed development consists of a 12 storey apartment building with 206 units and four (4) stacked townhouse buildings with 48 units for a total of 254 units for the overall development.

The Official Plan Amendment is seeking to redesignate the lands from Low/Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential to permit a maximum of 155 units per hectare.

The Zoning By-law Amendment is seeking to rezone the lands from (H)R4 Residential with a Holding Provision to RM3 Multiple Residential with the following site specific provisions:

  • A reduced front yard setback of 5.5 metres from the townhouse buildings (from Ferncliffe Street), whereas 6.0 metres is required;
  • A reduced rear yard setback of 4.8 metres (from Main Street) for the apartment building, whereas 12.0 metres is required;
  • A reduced interior side yard setback of 5.5 and 5.1 metres from the east and west side lot lines, respectively, whereas interior side yards of 7.5 metres and 12.0 metres from the east and west side lot lines are required, respectively;
  • An increased maximum density of 155 units per hectare, whereas a maximum density of 75 units per hectare is currently permitted; and,
  • A parking rate of 1.1 spaces per unit (276 spaces), whereas a total of 330 parking spaces are required (based on mixed parking rates for apartment house and cluster row housing).

SUBMISSION #1 – June 2022 

  1. Planning Justification Report
  2. Cover Letter
  3. Engineering Plans
  4. Hydrogeological Investigation Report
  5. Urban Design Brief
  6. OPA/ZBA Application Form
  7. Owner Statement
  8. Noise Feasibility Study
  9. Concept Plan
  10. Environmental Impact Study
  11. Geotechnical Investigation
  12. Functional Servicing & Stormwater Management Report
  13. Section 59 Notice
  14. Site & Elevation Plans

Revised Application (currently under review by staff)

As part of the second submission, the proposed apartment building has been relocated towards the northeast corner of the site and the height has been reduced to 10 storeys. The total number of dwelling units on site has been reduced to 233. The following revisions were made to update the site-specific regulations as part of the Zoning By-law Amendment:

  • A reduced front yard setback of 5.5 metres from the townhouse buildings (from Ferncliffe Street), whereas 6.0 metres is required;
  • A reduced rear yard setback of 3.0 metres (from Main Street) for the apartment building, whereas 12.0 metres is required;
  • A reduced interior side yard setback of 4.9 metres and 8.0 metres from the east side lot lines, whereas interior side yards of 7.5 metres and 12.0 metres from the east side lot lines are required for townhouse buildings and apartment buildings, respectively;
  • An increased maximum density of 139 units per hectare, whereas a maximum density of 75 units per hectare is currently permitted; and,
  • A parking rate of approximately 1.16 spaces per unit (271 spaces), whereas a total of 292 parking spaces are required (based on mixed parking rates for apartment house and cluster row housing).

SUBMISSION #2 – February 2024

  1. Updated Functional Servicing & Stormwater Management Report
  2. Proposed Zoning Schedule
  3. Updated Concept Plan
  4. Updated Engineering Plans
  5. Transportation Impact Study & Parking Study

SUBMISSION #3 - September 2024

  1. Updated Concept Plan

Statutory Public Meeting: December 13, 2022

Council Meeting: November 5, 2024 @ 6:30pm in Council Chambers

Staff Contact: Vincent Wen,   

*Those who wish to speak at a Public Meeting or Council Meeting can register at the following link:     

R09/22 – 1390 Pineview Ave

The applicant is proposing to develop the site with six single detached lots on a private road with access from Pineview Avenue. The applicant is also seeking approval for a Vacant Land Condominium to facilitate the development.


The lands are currently designated as Low/Medium Density Residential in the City of Cambridge Official Plan and are located within a Regeneration Area. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone the RS1 Semi-Detached Residential lands to R6 Single Residential to permit the proposed development.


SUBMISSION #1 – August 2022


Statutory Public Meeting:  March 21, 2023

Neighbourhood Meeting:  May 15, 2023


SUBMISSION #2 – February 2024


Council Meeting: TBD

Staff Contact: Vincent Wen,

*Those who wish to speak at a Public Meeting or Council Meeting can register at the following link:

OR01/23 – 229, 235, 239, 247 Royal Oak Road

The applicant is proposing to redevelop the site with two warehouse buildings. The lands are currently designated as Low/Medium Denisty Residential and Natural Open Space System in the City of Cambridge Official Plan and the applicant is requesting to redesignate the developable portion of the lands to Business Industrial. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone the R1 Residential lands to M1 Industrial to permit the proposed warehouse use with a site specific provision to permit a reduction to the parking requirements.

The site is bisected by West Creek.  The development, including buildings, parking and stormwater pond are proposed outside of the natural feature and two separate accesses are proposed from Royal Oak Road. 

Supporting Studies:

Neighbourhood Meeting - June 12, 2023

Neighbourhood Meeting - July 17, 2023

R04/23 – 240-276 Limerick Road – Zoning By-law Amendment & Draft Plan of Subdivision

The applicant is proposing to develop the subject lands identified as 240-276 Limerick Rd for 105 dwelling units in the form of Street-facing, Stacked, and Cluster townhouses. The subject lands are currently zoned R2, R3(H) and R5 which does not permit townhouse and mix terrace dwellings, therefore, in order to permit the proposed dwellings, the subject lands must be rezoned to RM4 with Site- specific exceptions.

A Draft Plan of Subdivision for the creation of 8 blocks has also been submitted to the Region of Waterloo simultaneously.

The following documents have been submitted as part of the submission applications:

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Application
  3. Pre-consultation Comments
  4. Draft Plan of Subdivision
  5. Draft Plan of Subdivision - Conceptual Layout
  6. Planning Justification Report
  7. Urban Design Brief
  8. Functional Servicing Report
  9. Site Plans
  10. Transportation Impact Study
  11. Scoped Environmental Impact Study
  12. Tree Management Plan

R09/21 - 1541 Queenston Road - Resubmission

The applicant has made a resubmission for the above noted Zoning By-law Amendment application. This application proposes to change the zoning designation from R5 to RM4, with one (1) site specific exception to allow for a minimum interior side yard setback of 1.80 m whereas the Zoning By-law requires 3.0 m.

The zoning will allow for the development of a 3-unit, 2 storey linear rowhouse.

The following materials were submitted in support of the application and are currently under review by staff and agencies:

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Application Comments
  3. Concept Plan
  4. Elevation and Floor Plans
  5. Parking Plan
  6. Fire Hydrant Location

R06/23 - 250 Allendale Road (Phase 1 Block 2 of North Cambridge Business Park)

The applicant has made a submission for a Zoning By-law Amendment for the above noted lands. The application proposes to change the zoning designation of a portion of the subject lands from Open Space (OS1) to Industrial (M3) in order to permit the proposed development of the Phase 1 North Cambridge Business Park plan of subdivision.

The Draft Plan of Subdivision, approved by Cambridge City Council in April 2022, implements the approved Official Plan and Zoning framework by creating municipally serviced individual parcels of land with access to a public road (extension of Intermarket Road). The Draft Plan includes four (4) Blocks for employment uses, two (2) Open Space Blocks, a Walkway/Service Corridor Block, a Block for an existing communications tower and one (1) Future Development Block. In total, the nine (9) Blocks comprise 116 hectares of land.

A portion of one of the Open Space zones is located within Phase 1 Block 2 of the North Cambridge Business Park Plan of Subdivision, which is currently pursuing the approval of a site plan application. The limits of the subdivision would have naturally updated the OS1 zoning through the subdivision registration process, however, due to Site plan approval process being pursued in advance of the subdivision registration process for the entire business park, a formal Zoning By-law Amendment is required to ensure OS1 zoning limits are adjusted prior to final site plan approval and issuance of permits for the Phase 1 of this development.  

Supporting Documents:

  1. Zoning By-law Amendment Application
  2. Site Development Plan
  3. Site Plan Enlarged
  4. Cover Letter
  5. North Lands Stage 1-2 Clearance Letter
  6. North Lands Stage 1-4 Clearance Letter
  7. North Lands Stage 3 Clearance Letter
  8. North Lands Stage 4 Clearance Letter
  9. Functional Servicing Report
  10. Stormwater Management Report
  11. Notice of Source Protection Compliance - 105 Middle Block Road
  12. Notice of Source Protection Compliance - 250 Allendale Road
  13. South Lands Stage 1-2 Clearance Letter
  14. South Lands Stage 1-3 Clearance Letter
  15. South Lands Stage 3 Clearance Letter


R07/23 - 355 & 395 Hespeler Road

The City of Cambridge has received a Zoning By-law Amendment application to change the use of the property located at 355 & 395 Hespeler Road. This proposed amendment is to allow commercial recreational establishments as a permitted use on the subject lands and allow for a reduction in the property setbacks to facilitate a required Regional road widening along Hespeler Road and Bishop Street North

Supporting Studies:

  1. Cover letter
  2. Zoning By-law Amendment Application
  3. Planning Justification Report
  4. Site Plan

R10/23 – 82 & 88 Beverly Street

The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone a portion of the lands from N1R4 to the RM3 zone to permit a stacked townhouse development with 46 units and establish a site-specific provision to allow an increase in density, reduced street frontage, reduced side and rear yard setbacks, reduced common amenity area and planting strips. If the application is approved, the lands are proposed to be severed to separate the residential development from the existing school.

Supporting Documents:

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Application Form
  3. Concept Plan
  4. Environmental Noise & Vibration Report
  5. Functional Servicing & Stormwater Management Report
  6. Planning Justification Report
  7. Heritage Impact Assessment
  8. Arborist Report
  9. Archaeological Assessment
  10. Beverly Street Stacked Townhomes 3D Image
  11. Beverly Street Stacked Townhomes Image
  12. Public Register of Archaeological Report
  13. Owner Authorization
  14. Section 59 Notice 
  15. Urban Design Brief

OR05/23 – 777 Laurel Street and 308 Dolph Street North

The applicant has submitted Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for the lands at 777 Laurel Street. The proposed redevelopment of the lands involves a change in use from industrial to residential and the development of a multi-building concept. The demolition of the existing industrial building and the removal of the other outdoor storage-related buildings would be required.


Original Application

The proposed development consists of a total of 1,046 apartment units within multiple buildings, some of which are attached via a shared podium, which will house the majority of the parking for the development.  The main entrance to the site is located from Laurel Street, where two apartment buildings are proposed along this frontage and are seven stories in height (Shown as Towers E and F on the Site Plan). Towers A through D are proposed north of Towers E and F and share a 3-storey podium that contains the parking for the residential units.  These towers range between 12-14 storeys in height. Indoor and outdoor amenity spaces and a combination of surface and structured parking are proposed as part of the development.

In order to facilitate this development, an Official Plan Amendment is required to redesignate the lands from "Business Industrial" to "High-Density Residential" with a site-specific policy to permit a maximum building height of 14 storeys and a maximum density of 2.79 FSI across the entirety of the site. The applicant is, however, requesting a maximum FSI of 3.0 be implemented into the Site-Specific Policy.

Additionally, a Zoning By-law Amendment is required to rezone the lands from the "Industrial - M3" zone to the "Multiple- Residential - RM1" zone with site-specific provisions that will permit an increased building height and density; reduced amenity area; and, a minimum parking requirement of 1 space per unit (0.9 spaces per dwelling unit and 0.1 spaces per unit for visitors), whereas 1.25 spaces per unit are required (1 space per unit and 0.25 spaces per unit for visitors).


Revised Application - please refer to the staff recommendation report (Council meeting date May 28, 2024) for description of revised application and proposed development.



  1. Cover Letter
  2. Application Form
  3. Building Elevations
  4. Building Perspectives
  5. Floor Plans
  6. Planning Justification Report
  7. Site Plan
  8. Functional Servicing Report and Stormwater Management Report
  9. Civil Drawings
  10. Traffic Impact Study
  11. Wind Study
  12. Noise and Vibration Study
  13. Parking Study
  14. Archaeological Report
  15. Urban Design Brief
  16. Conceptual Landscape Plan

SUBMISSION #2 - January, 2024

  1. Functional Servicing and Preliminary Stormwater Management Report
  2. Parking Justification Study
  3. Transportation Impact Study
  4. Site Plan - Floor Plans and Perspectives
  5. City Agent Comments
  6. Addendum to Noise Study
  7. Servicing Plan

SUBMISSION #3 - March, 2024 

  1. Engineering Comments
  2. Drawing Set
  3. Shadow Images Revised Plans
  4. Shadow Study Analysis
  5. Compiled Civil Drawings
  6. Compatibility Mitigation Study, Air Quality
  7. Servicing Plan
  8. Grading Plan
  9. Drainage Plan - Figure 1
  10. Drainage Plan - Figure 2
  11. Functional Servicing and Preliminary Stormwater Management Report
  12. Addendum to Regional Comments
  13. Letter to City Regarding draft OPA and ZBA
  14. Letter to Region
  15. Railway Setback Cross Sections for the Region
  16. Servicing Plans


  1. Update to Shadow Study

Statutory Public Meeting:  September 5, 2023 Presentation

Neighbourhood Meeting:  September 21, 2023 Presentation

Council Meeting:  May 28, 2024 Presentation & Staff Recommendation Report

Neighbourhood Meeting:  June 13, 2024 Presentation & Meeting Notes

Council Meeting: June 25, 2024

OR03/23 – 30 Lauris Avenue

The Region of Waterloo is proposing to advance affordable housing opportunities on the property at 30 Lauris Avenue. It is intended that the lands will ultimately be developed in the future by a non-profit or private sector partner for mixed income/ market and affordable housing units.

The applicant (Region of Waterloo) has submitted Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for the lands to establish permissions that will permit the future development of the lands for higher density housing. It is expected that a future successful proponent will have the ability to revise the development concept as part of a subsequent Site Plan Application, however, the ultimate development should comply with the planning regulations that are approved through this application.

The Official Plan Amendment seeks to maintain the current Low/Medium Density Residential Designation but establish a site-specific policy to increase the maximum allowable density on the lands from 40 units per hectare to 112 units per hectare.

The Zoning By-law Amendment will seek to rezone the lands from N1R4 to N1RM3, along with site-specific exceptions.

The applications will be presented at a Public meeting set for August 8th, 2023 at 6:30pm. Anyone interested in providing any comments regarding these proposed applications can do so by submitting written comments to the Planning review this file, Michael Campos at

Those who wish to delegate at the public meeting can register at the following link:

The following materials were submitted in support of the application and is currently under review by Staff and commenting agencies: 

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Application Form
  3. Architectural Drawing Package
  4. Planning Justification Report
  5. Functional Servicing Report
  6. Tree Inventory Report
  7. Source Protection Plan
  8. Risk Management Plan
  9. Record of Site Condition Acknowledgement letter
  10. Parking Review

R12/23 – 895 Riverbank Drive – Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision (30T-23103)

An application for a Zoning By-law Amendment has been received for the lands at 895 Riverbank Drive in Cambridge. It has been submitted in conjunction with a Draft Plan of Subdivision, which was submitted to the Region of Waterloo for processing, and is being reviewed by City Staff simultaneously. Madison Riverbank Holdings Limited is proposing the development of the lands generally locate north of Middle Block Road, west of Fountain Street, and east of Riverbank Drive for a mix of residential and commercial, open space and institutional uses.
The proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision is proposing to development the lands with a mix of residential built-forms including single-detached dwellings, townhouse dwellings, and two medium density blocks, one mixed-use block, a future elementary school and various open space and park blocks. The proposed development will consist of approximately 399 single-detached dwellings, 155 street townhouse dwellings, and 649.5 rear land townhouse dwellings, totaling 1203.5 residential units. The current proposed plan proposes approximately 2.9 hectares of parkland, as well as approximately 4.6 hectares of open space area throughout the plan. The elementary school block, approximately 2.6 hectares in size, is proposed at a central location.

A Zoning By-law Amendment application is required as the subject lands are currently zoned Agricultural – A1 and Rural Residential RR1 under the City’s Zoning By-law No. 150-85. The application to rezone the lands is proposed to implement the proposed land use designations within the Draft North Cambridge Secondary Plan by rezoning from the A1 zone to Open Space – OS1 and OS4, Institutional – N1 )for the elementary school), Residential R6, RM1, RM3, and RM4 zones, and will also rezone the current RR1 zone to the RM1 zone. Site-specific exceptions are also proposed to permit the proposed building typologies.

The applications will be presented at a Public meeting set for November 21st, 2023 at 6:30pm. Anyone interested in providing any comments regarding these proposed applications can do so by submitting written comments to the Planner reviewing this file, Michael Campos at

Those who wish to delegate at the public meeting can register at the following link:

The following materials were submitted in support of the application and is currently under review by Staff and commenting agencies:

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Application Form
  3. Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
  4. Urban Design Guidelines
  5. Copy of the Draft Plan of Subdivision
  6. Draft Phasing Plan
  7. Planning Justification Report
  8. Geotechnical Investigation
  9. Hydrogeological Assessment
  10. Noise Feasibility Study
  11. Stage 1-2 Archaeological Assessment
  12. Transportation Impact Study
  13. Phase One Environmental Site Assessment for 895 Riverbank Road
  14. Phase One Environmental Site Assessment for northside of Middle Block Road and East of Riverbank Drive
  15. Phase One Environmental Site Assessment for 1010 Riverbank Drive
  16. Phase One Environmental Site Assessment for 4220 Fountain Street North and 800 Middle Block Road
  17. Phase One Environmental Site Assessment for 850 Riverbank Drive
  18. Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment for 895 Riverbank Drive
  19. Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment for northside of Middle Block Road and East of Riverbank Drive
  20. Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment for 850 Riverbank Drive
  21. Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment for 1010 Riverbank Drive
  22. Chloride Impact Assessment
  23. Tree Management Plan
  24. Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report - This Report is available upon request
  25. Environmental Site Assessment prepared by Stantec

R09/23 – 39 Lowrey Avenue North

The applicant has submitted a Zoning By-law Amendment application for the lands at 39 Lowry Avenue North. The property is currently zoned "Commercial (C3) by the City's Zoning By-law No. 150-85. The applicant is seeking to construct a semi-detached building on the lot containing 2 residential units. In order to proceed with this development, the applicant will be required to obtain approval for a Zoning By-law Amendment to rezone the lands to the proposed "Residential - RS1" zone.

The proposed development conforms with the Official Plan's Low/Medium Density Residential designation and remains within the maximum allowable density of 40 units per hectare. As such, no Official Plan Amendment is required.

The application was presented at a Public Meeting on August 8th, 2023.

The following materials were submitted in support of the application:

Site Plan

Floor Plans

Planning Justification Report

Site Grading and Servicing

Applications Under Appeal

 OR06/22 - 506-510, 516 Hespeler Road and 1000 Langs Avenue

The City has received Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for 506-510, 516 Hespeler Road and 1000 Langs Avenue.

The Official Plan and Zoning by-law amendments will facilitate the development of the subject lands for a high-rise, mixed-use development. Five 20-storey mixed use buildings generally consisting of 1,366 apartment dwellings, office and retail uses, and a large public park are proposed. A private road network and underground parking are proposed.

Official Plan Amendment

An Official Plan Amendment is proposed to implement site specific policies to permit a residential density of 3.1 Floor Space Index (FSI) or 330 units per hectare and a maximum building height of 20 storeys. The current Hespeler Road Mixed-Use Corridor designation permits a maximum density of 2.0 FSI with a maximum building height of 12 storeys.

Zoning By-law Amendment

A Zoning By-law Amendment is required to rezone the lands from Commercial (C4) to a mixed use zone to permit multiple residential and commercial uses with the following site specific provisions being requested:

  • Residential parking rate of 1.22 spaces per unit where 1.25 spaces are required
  • A residential density of 330 units per hectare
  • A maximum building height of 20 storeys

The following materials were submitted in support of the application and are currently under review by staff and agencies and may be subject to future changes:

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Planning Justification Report
  3. Landscape Plan
  4. Architectural Drawings
  5. Shadow Impact Study
  6. Environmental Noise Assessment
  7. Functional Servicing & Stormwater Management Report
  8. Market Analysis
  9. Hydrogeological Study
  10. OPA/ZBA Application Form
  11. Pedestrian Wind Assessment
  12. Rendering View 1
  13. Rendering View 2
  14. Transportation Impact Study

Should you have any questions regarding the application, please contact Rachel Greene, Senior Planner – Development at

OR10/23 – 220-222 Blair Road 

 The City of Cambridge has received new development applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment for 220-222 Blair Road.

The applicant is proposing the development of two stacked townhouse buildings, each containing 16 units, for a total of 32 dwelling units on the site. A total of 38 surface parking spaces are proposed including a communal amenity space situated at the rear of the site.

In order to facilitate this development, an Official Plan Amendment is required to permit  a maximum density of 84 units per hectare over the current permitted limit of 40 units per hectare in the ‘Low/Medium Density Residential’ designation. 

The lands are zoned as RM4. A Zoning By-law Amendment is required to permit the following Site Specific Provisions: 

  • A maximum density of 84 units per hectare, whereas 40 units per hectare is permitted.
  • A minimum parking rate of 1.18 spaces per unit, whereas 1.25 spaces per unit is permitted.
  • A minimum common amenity area per dwelling unit of 16 m2, whereas 30 m2 is permitted.

A statutory public meeting has been scheduled for January 30, 2024. A Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting has been circulated to property owners within a 120 metre radius of the subject property and has been published in The Record.

Should you have any questions regarding the application, please contact Jacqueline Hannemann, Senior Planner – Development at

Supporting Documents:

OR01/21 - 211-215 Queen Street W

The applicant is proposing to redevelop the existing textile factory with a maximum of 140 condominium apartment uses and approximately 1,900 square metres (20,451ft²) of ground floor commercial uses, redevelop the existing one-storey buildings for approximately 1,430 square metres (15,392.39ft²) of commercial uses, construct a 4 storey residential building with approximately 20 residential units and a 8 storey residential building with approximately 110 residential units. The proposed development also includes a waterfront trail development and 260 parking spaces.


Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments are required to increase the maximum density, remove the minimum lot frontage requirement, remove and reduce building setbacks for the existing textile factory, remove the loading space requirement, and reduce the parking rate from 362 spaces to 260 spaces.


The following materials were submitted in support of the application and are currently under review by staff and agencies and may be subject to future changes (PDF format): 


Notice of Passing 

R16/23 – 65 Ripplewood Road 

 The City of Cambridge has received a development application for Zoning By-law Amendment for 65 Ripplewood Road. The City is also anticipating the submission of a Draft Plan of Subdivision for the development of a residential subdivision on the lands.

The applicant is proposing a Zoning By-law Amendment to rezone 65 Ripplewood Road from (H)R4 and M7 S.4.1.15 to a combination of residential zones R5, R6, and RM4 and open space zones OS1 and OS4. The proposed rezoning would also propose site specific provisions to provide relief from certain requirements regarding lot size and yard setbacks. The rezoning would facilitate the development of a subdivision with 278 lots for single detached dwellings, five blocks of street townhouse dwellings, four blocks of cluster development condominium townhouse dwellings, as well as two park blocks, five open space blocks, and five blocks for stormwater management facilities.

A statutory public meeting has been scheduled for December 12, 2023. A Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting has been circulated to property owners within a 120 metre radius of the subject property and has been published in The Record.

Should you have any questions regarding the application, please contact Jacqueline Hannemann, Senior Planner – Development at

The following items from the initial submission package need to be posted online:

  1. Cover letter
  2. Draft Plan of Subdivision (Draft Plan drawing)
  3. Planning Justification Report
  4. Archaeological Assessment
  5. Environmental Site Assessments  Phase 1 &  Phase 2
  6. Environmental Impact Study
  7. Storm Water Management Plan / Functional Servicing Reports & FSR drawings
  8. Geotechnical Reports Investigation & Peer Review
  9. Hydrogeological Report
  10. Noise Study
  11. Traffic Impact Study
  12. Tree Management/Vegetation Plan (in EIS)
  13. Urban Design Brief/Architectural & Urban Design Guidelines
  14. Section 59 Notice 

OR12/22 - 190-194 Pinebush Road & 10 Wayne Avenue

The applicant has submitted Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for the lands at 190-194 Pinebush Road to facilitate the development of the property with three (3), three-storey stacked townhouse buildings containing a total of 39 residential dwelling units. The units would be accessed via Wayne Avenue and will include an internal surface parking lot that provides 59 parking spaces for residents and visitors. A common outdoor amenity area is also proposed north of the surface parking area for future residents to enjoy.


An Official Plan Amendment has been submitted to the City to establish a site-specific policy to permit an increased density to 76 units per hectare, whereas the current “Low/Medium Density Residential” designation applied to the lands permits a maximum of 40 units per hectare.


A Zoning By-law Amendment has also been submitted to rezone the lands from the R4 zone to the RM2 zone to permit the proposed stacked townhouse built-form.


The applications will be presented at a Public Meeting set for February 14th, 2023 at 6:30pm. Anyone interested in providing any comments regarding these proposed applications can do so by submitting written comments to the Planner reviewing this file, Michael Campos at


Those who wish to delegate at the public meeting can register at the following link:


The following materials were submitted in support of the application is currently under review by Staff and Agencies:


OR09/23 - 102 Fountain St S, 134 & 144 Fountain St N, 

199 Abraham St 

 The City has received Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for 102 Fountain Street South, 199 Abraham Street, and 134 and 144 Fountain Street North.

The Official Plan and Zoning by-law amendments will facilitate the development of the subject lands to permit three residential towers, ranging in height from 22, 24 and 26 storeys, with 753 dwelling units, commercial uses at grade and a public outdoor amenity space.

Official Plan Amendment

An Official Plan Amendment is required to redesignate the entirety of the Subject Lands from “Community Core Area”, “Preston Towne Centre” and  “Low/Medium Residential” to “Community Core Area” and “Preston Towne Centre” with additional  site specific policies to permit an increase in height and density.

Zoning By-law Amendment

A Zoning By-law Amendment is required to rezone the lands from “Institutional and Multiple Residential - N3RM3” to “ Commercial and Multiple Residential - C1RM1” and add site specific regulations to permit an increase in height and density.

The following materials have been submitted in support of the application and are currently under review by staff and agencies:

SUBMISSION #1 - November 2023

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Planning Justification Report
  3. Set of Architectural Plans & Site Plans
  4. Conceptual Plans for Open Spaces at 1st and 6th Storeys
  5. Scoped Transportation Impact Study & Parking Study *Note - this version is not signed, and can be printed with a watermark.  The City has received a signed copy for our files, however it cannot be printed.  
  6. Archaeological Report - Ministry Response
  7. Geotechnical Report
  8. Heritage Impact Assessment
  9. Traffic & Stationary Noise Feasibility Study 
  10. Preliminary Servicing Report
  11. Preliminary Stormwater Management Report
  12. Record of Site Condition
  13. Supplementary Slope Assessment Report
  14. Survey  - Existing Conditions
  15. Survey  - Proposed Road Widening along Fountain Street
  16. Tree Management Plan 
  17. Urban Design Report (with Shadow Study in Appendix A)




Statutory Public Meeting:  December 12, 2023 @ 6:30 in Council Chambers

Neighbourhood Meeting: Monday, February 5, 2024 - Details Here

                                         Meeting Summary Document (click to open)

Council Meeting: March 19, 2024   Staff Recommendation Report    

If you require an accessible format of any of these documents, please contact