
The City of Cambridge Zoning By-law No. 150-85, as amended, regulates the use of land and provides regulations for the location of buildings and structures (sheds and decks), building height, density, parking facilities and landscaping to ensure orderly development. Before applying for a building permit or a business license, please check the zoning regulations for your property first.

The current Zoning By-law and maps can be viewed in PDF form below.  Also, the zoning of a property can be found using the interactive map below.

Zoning By-law Amendments

Zoning by-law amendment applications amend the City of Cambridge Zoning By-law to allow a use which the by-law does not currently allow or change specific zone regulations. Applications for these amendments take about four to six months to process.

Committee of Adjustment 

The Committee of Adjustment is a body appointed by Council made up of five members from the community.  The Committee of Adjustment may consider a variation from the requirements of the Zoning By-law called a minor variance.  For more information regarding the Committee of Adjustment, please visit the Committee of Adjustment webpage