Site Plan Approval is a technical review and approval process under Section 41 of the Planning Act used by municipalities to ensure new development is functional, efficient, universally designed, and compatible with adjacent lands. It also ensures site features such as vehicular and pedestrian access, parking, landscaping and open spaces, servicing, grading, utilities, garbage facilities, utilities, and lighting are located, built and maintained in accordance with current regulations, standards and requirements. As a condition of final approval, the City or other agency may require the dedication of land or the registration of easements or agreements. Where Site Plan Approval is required, it typically must be obtained prior to the issuance of a Building Permit.
When is Site Plan Approval required?
Site Plan Approval is required for most land development, construction, and site alteration activities within the City of Cambridge. Development is defined in Section 41 of the Planning Act as:
“…the construction, erection or placing of one or more buildings or structures on land or the making of an addition or alteration to a building or structure that has the effect of substantially increasing the size or usability thereof, or the laying out and establishment of a commercial parking lot or of sites for the location of three or more trailers as defined in subsection 164 (4) of the Municipal Act, 2001 or subsection 3 (1) of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as the case may be, or of sites for the location of three or more mobile homes as defined in subsection 46 (1) of this Act or of sites for the construction, erection or location of three or more land lease community homes as defined in subsection 46 (1) of this Act.”
However, Site Plan Approval is not required for specific forms of development, including:
- Development on a parcel of land containing no more than 10 residential units and no other land uses.
- Farm-related dwellings or farm buildings or structures proposed in an area designated as Prime Agricultural Area in the City's Official Plan.
- Buildings or structures proposed in an area designated as Natural Open Space System in the City's Official Plan.
- Portable classrooms on a school site of a district school board, provided the School Site has been in existence since January 1, 2007.
- Construction or alteration of a building or structure that does not substantially increase the size or usability of the building or site, except where a site is subject to an existing site plan agreement. A redline site plan application may be required to update the plans and the agreement. This determination should be made through consultation with the City's Development Planning Division.
- Site works not requiring a building permit, except for the laying out and establishment of a commercial parking lot or the locating of three or more trailers, except where a site is subject to an existing site plan agreement. A redline site plan application may be required to update the plans and the agreement. This determination should be made through consultation with the City's Development Planning Division.
Even when a development falls under one of the exempt categories listed above, there may be other specific requirements or permits to be obtained before proceeding with the project. If you are not sure whether you require site plan approval, consult with staff by contacting
What type of Site Plan Application is required?
There are six types of Site Plan Applications in the City of Cambridge. Site Plan Application and Related Fees are available here. The following is a general guideline for these types of applications:
- Type A: Major/Complex Site Plan Application. This application involves new development or changes to an existing development. It involves one or more of the following major criteria: Special Technical Study (ie. Traffic Impact Study, Environmental Impact Study), Phased Approval, Easement, Special Agreement, Multiple Buildings, Mixed Use Building, Medium or High Density Development, Industrial Mall or Business Park, and/or Minister’s Zoning Order. A new or amended site plan agreement is required.
- Type B: Standard Site Plan Application. This application involves new development or changes to an existing development and does not involve any of the major criteria for Major / Complex Site Plan Applications. For additions, the existing development has no existing site plan approval, and the addition is not considered a “small change”, which generally means development resulting in no more than a 25% increase in dwelling units or new building floor area. A new or amended site plan agreement is required.
- Type C: Minor Site Plan Application. This application involves changes to an existing development. The application involves:
- none of the major criteria for Major / Complex Site Plan Applications;
- has no pre-existing site plan approval, and
- is considered a “small change”, which generally means development resulting in no more than a 25% increase in dwelling units or new building floor area.
A new site plan agreement may be required.
- Type D: Site Plan Amendment Application. This application involves changes to an existing development. The application involves:
- none of the major criteria for Major / Complex Site Plan Applications; and
- has a pre-existing site plan approval, and
- is considered a “small change”, which generally means development resulting in no more than a 25% increase in dwelling units or new building floor area.
An amendment to the existing site plan agreement may be required.
- Type E: Redline Site Plan Application. This application involves changes to an existing development, where such changes do not meet the definition of “development” from Section 41 of the Planning Act. The Site has previously approved plans, and a site plan agreement registered on title, requiring approval from the City prior to making changes. An amendment to the existing site plan agreement is not required.
- Type F: Telecommunications Tower Application: This application involves the submission of plans for a new telecommunication tower facility. The plans are circulated and reviewed by the City of Cambridge and External Agencies, however final approval is granted by the Federal Government. A site plan agreement is not required.
If you are unsure which type of site plan application is required for your project, consult with Planning Staff by contacting
What are the steps in the Site Plan Approval Process? How do I apply?
The following is a simplified outline of the steps in the Site Plan Approval process:
- Submit a Site Plan Preconsultation Application through the City's Online Application Portal
- A pre-consultation is an informal process intended to give applicants a list of minimum submission requirements for the formal site plan application. Applicants receive preliminary feedback from staff on a wide range of matters, including overall site design and function, zoning compliance, servicing, grading and drainage, landscaping, building code considerations, accessibility, environmental and heritage considerations. Applicants also receive feedback from external agencies, such as the Grand River Conservation Authority, Grand Bridge Energy, and the Ministry of Transportation, where applicable.
- A pre-consultation application is recommended but not required. As of January 1, 2025, where the applicant has not completed a pre-consultation, a higher fee will be payable for the formal application.
Visit the online application system now
2. Submit a Site Plan Application through the City's Online Application Portal
- Before applying, Applicants should confirm the type of application they are applying for either with staff directly, or through a preconsultation application.
- A typical site plan application requires:
- Cover Letter
- Payment of Application Fees
- Cover Letter
- Section 59 Notice Source Water Protection
- Site Plan
- Building Elevations
- Floor Plans
- Photometric (Lighting) Plan & Details
- Tree Management Plan (where there are trees on the property)
- Preliminary Landscape Plan & Details
- Grading Plan
- Servicing Plan & Details
- Servicing Report/Brief (may be combined with SWM Report)
- Stormwater Management Report/Brief (may be combined with Servicing Report/Brief)
- Construction Management Plan
- Transportation Impact Study Screening Form
- Other Technical Studies and Plans as required
- The City aims to issue site plan approval within the 60 day timeline given by the Planning Act. To achieve this, the City has a requirement that all site plan applications can only be accepted where:
- The development is zoning compliant; and
- The development is on a parcel of land that is already created, and does not require severance, consolidation, or registration of a subdivision.
- Common delays on site plan applications relates to the conveyance of road widenings, the registration of easements and the registration of agreements necessary for the functioning of the development. Applicants are strongly advised to initiate these processes prior to submission of a site plan application.
Visit the online application system now
3. A Development Planner will be assigned to your application, and will confirm completeness and acceptance.
4. Complete applications are circulated to internal staff and external agencies for review and comment.
5. The Development Planner will prepare and circulate a consolidated comment record to the Applicant, with directions on next steps.
6. Where a new or amending site plan agreement is required, the City will prepare the agreement and may require the following from the Applicant:
- Liability Insurance
- Cost Estimate of All Site Works
- Securities for Site Works
- Postponements of Interest
7. Once the plans require no further changes, and all other technical and legal requirements are satisfied, the site plan agreement (if required) will be signed by all parties. The final site of plans are signed by the Chief Planner to grant final site plan approval.
8. The site plan agreement is registered on title to the property immediately following site plan approval.
Fee Schedule and Payment Options |
Application or Service | Fee |
Major/Complex (Type A) - No Preconsultation
$28,580 |
Major/Complex (Type A) - With Preconsultation
$26,580 |
Standard (Type B) - No Preconsultation
$11,380 |
Standard (Type B) - With Preconsultation
$9,380 |
Minor (Type C) - No Preconsultation
$7,070 |
Minor (Type C) - With Preconsultation
$5,070 |
Amendment (Type D) - No Preconsultation
$6,150 |
Amendment (Type D) - With Preconsultation
$4,150 |
Redline (Type E)
$1,950 |
Telecommunications Tower (Type F)
$2,560 |
Resubmission Fee - 3rd Plus
$1,740 |
Full Site Plan Agreement Legal Fee
$515 |
Amending Site Plan Agreement Legal Fee
Regional Fees:
A Regional Review fee of $805 may be applicable where a property is adjacent to a Regional Road.
Fee Payment Options:
City Application Fees can be paid in one of the following ways:
- Online payments should be made for fees under $10,000. Please visit the Online Application Portal and select Make a Payment to pay with your invoice number using VISA or MASTERCARD. Please note there is a 1.75% service fee.
- In Person payments can be made in the form of a certified cheque or bank draft (for payments over $5,000), cash, debit or cheque ( for payments up to and including $5,000). Payments are accepted at the Service Cambridge Desk located on the ground floor of City Hall at 50 Dickson Street. If you are paying an invoice, please bring a copy of the invoice.
- Mail or courier payments to pay (payable to the City of Cambridge, with the file # listed beside Notes):
Cambridge City Hall Attn: Development Planning 50 Dickson Street P.O. Box 669 Cambridge, ON N1R 5W8
Inspections and Release of Securities
Once site works are completed and certified, the City will accept requests for inspections and release of securities. Review the site plan agreement for your development. This agreement contains specific terms related to completion of works, inspection, certification, maintenance period, and release of securities.
Complete and submit the following forms and a copy of the complete site plan agreement to
A Planning Technician will be assigned to respond to your request and schedule an inspection. Upon completion of the inspection, an inspection report will be issued. The report contains such details as a list of deficiencies, securities approved for release, and maintenance period dates. Other relates fees include:
- Reinspection Fee (after the first inspection): $640
- Release of Partial Securities (other than release of landscape securities after maintenance period): $640