
The City of Cambridge is committed to transparency, accountability and on-going communication with residents. To ensure this, we work with local media to provide important information on City programs, services and other initiatives.

Staff are available to respond to media inquiries during regular operating hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

All media inquiries should be directed to and include the reporter’s contact information and deadline.

Please note: The City of Cambridge will only respond to inquiries made outside business hours if they are related to an immediate emergency or urgent operational matter. Other requests will be addressed during regular business hours.

Posted Friday, January 31, 2020

2020 BudgetThe City of Cambridge’s Budget and Audit Committee will meet to deliberate the 2020 Operating Budget on Monday, February 3 at 1 p.m. in Council Chambers.
The operating budget covers the daily costs of running city services, including:
A commitment to public safety through continued investment in our Ambassador Team, fire equipment and emergency response planning.
Protection of our environment, through the ongoing renewal of our urban canopy and to implement...


Posted Friday, January 31, 2020

Affected areaDue to a water leak in the Fisher Mills Road/Hespeler Road area, residents in the Hespeler core may experience discoloured water. The leak has been isolated and the system is returning to regular flow rates. See below for steps to clear discoloured water.
Clearing procedure for discoloured water The clearing procedure for property owners is simple, however we advise to wait until the repair is completed and the fire hydrants are flushed.
To clear discoloured water:


Posted Monday, January 27, 2020

There's plenty to do in Cambridge over March Break. The City is offering a variety of camps, recreation activities and courses for children and youth. Register today! 
Camps Kinder camp (4-5 years)
Tykes, Junior & Senior camp (6-12 years)
Pack & Go camp (8-12 years)
Art Extravaganza camp (6-10 years)
Musical Extravaganza camp (6-10 years)
Register for camp
Activities Swimming
Courses Standard First Aid...


Posted Thursday, January 23, 2020

City Pages in the Cambridge Times - January 23, 2020
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting - 685 Myers Road
Public Information Centre (PIC) Meeting - Black Bridge Road and Townline Road Preliminary Design


Posted Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The City’s Chief Building Official issued an Order to Remedy an Unsafe Building today, under authority of the Building Code Act , which calls for the demolition of the vacant building at 102 Fountain Street South.
“We recognize that this building is a community landmark and this decision has not been made lightly,” said Dennis Purcell, the City’s Chief Building Official. “However, public safety is our first priority and there is no other option...