The City wants your help to build the 2025 Budget. Share your feedback from June 10 to 30
Cambridge, Ontario. (June 10, 2024) – Each year, the City of Cambridge begins an extensive budget planning process to prepare the municipal budget for the coming year. To prepare the 2025 budget, input from Cambridge residents and Council direction are important parts of this process.
The City’s budget is a financial plan that outlines the amount of money the City will raise and determine the level of service for the over 140 programs and services residents depend on every single day. It also guides key decisions on what City infrastructure will be built and repaired to support the continued growth of our community and provides a roadmap that connects to City priorities.
“As the people of Cambridge continue to be impacted by a challenging economy, it’s more important than ever that we strike the right balance between the impact to residents and supporting the future growth of our city,” said Cambridge Mayor, Jan Liggett. “I encourage everyone to be part of this conversation and help guide the development of the 2025 budget to help set us up for success and support the city’s continued momentum.”
Be part of the 2025 Budget conversation
Where should your tax dollars go? How would you prioritize if you were building the 2025 Budget? These are some of the questions the City is asking residents and local businesses to inform the creation of the 2025 Budget.
Your input is an important part of this process. To learn more and share your feedback, simply visit and participate in a survey from June 10 to 30, 2024.
In addition to this online survey, in December 2024, members of the public will have the opportunity to register as a delegate during the Council review and approval stage of the budget process.
Quick facts
The City’s budget is made up of three parts:
Operating Budget - Annual operations of City facilities and services, primarily funded through property taxes and user fees, excluding water and sewer. This budget pays for the day-to-day programs and services provided by the City.
Capital Budget - Capital program for all City projects, funded through taxes, water and sewer fees, development charges, debt, grants, or other reserve funds. This budget pays for all the new large-scale projects or rehabilitation of current assets that are under the City’s control. (e.g. current projects include the Recreation Complex, Soccer Complex and Preston Auditorium upgrades).
Water Utility Budget - Annual operations of water and sewer distribution, in accordance with the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act, funded through user rates.
Our Budget Planning Timeline
Additional Resources
- Residents are encouraged to stay updated on the budget process by visiting:
- Review last year’s approved 2024 Budget and Business Plan