Neighbourhood meeting planned to discuss former Preston Spring lands

Posted on Tuesday January 23, 2024

You’re invited to attend a neighbourhood meeting and share your thoughts on the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application for the former Preston Spring lands at the intersection of King Street and Fountain Street on Monday, February 5.  

Location: City Hall, 50 Dickson Street – Bowman Room
Time: 6-8pm (City Hall will be open to the public at 5:30pm)

An Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application OR09/23 is requesting changes to the existing policy and zoning framework in order to redevelop the lands with a new mixed-use building. 

You can read more on the application and development proposal at 

A neighbourhood meeting is an opportunity to share ideas and information and ask questions. No decisions are made. City staff and the developer will be available to answer questions.  

After considering all feedback received from the public, City staff, Council and other review agencies, the developer may choose to modify their application and development proposal. City staff will consider all input at this meeting in the preparation of a recommendation report that will be taken to a future Council meeting for Council to make a decision. 

If you are unable to attend, and would like to provide feedback, please contact:  

Laura Dewar, Supervisor, Development Planning 

Planning Services, Community Development 


P: 519-623-1340, 4794