Frequently Referenced By-laws

By-law No. 15-078 - Buskers By-Law [download]
By-law No. 19-094 - Development Charges By-Law [download]
By-law No. 20-010 - Disabled Parking By-Law [download]
By-law No. 09-167 - Discharge of Weapons By-Law [download]
By-law No. 23-071 - Fire Works By-Law [download]
By-law No. 14-129 - Food Trucks By-Law
By-law No. 13-189 - Maintenance of Land By-Law [download]
By-law No. 04-032 - Noise By-Law [download]
By-law No. 23-035 - Procedural By-Law [download]
By-law No. 14-133 - Procurement Procedures By-Law [download]
By-law No. 08-165 - Public Nuisance By-Law [download]
By-law No. 96-163 - Regulate Open Fires By-Law [download]
By-law No. 04-036 - Rented Accommodation By-Law [download]
By-law No. 03-146 - Supply of Water By-Law [download]
By-law No. 04-184 - Vital Services By-Law [download]